Aug 21, 2008 19:00
That's something I think is growing on me as I get older: happy endings. --Alice Munro
When they discuss powers in class no one else talks about how theirs hurt them. Except Logan, but he's the only one and he's never really been one for words.
Her power hurts. It slices like a knife through her as she takes another's thoughts and memories, as she steals their power. Well, not all the time. There are instances she thinks it's simply their reaction to her power that she's feeling. Sometimes it's a delicious rush, quick and never quite enough and she wants to latch on longer, to take more, and to feel that exhilaration again. That usually only happens when it's a fleeting moment, an accidental brush of skin to another's.
Those are the moments that scare her.
Rogue isn't sure that she should like her power. It hurts others, she's pretty sure it can kill. She already knows it can lead to a coma. The whispers of leech and vampire are appropriate. That is exactly what she is if she's not careful. It's why she puts on layers of clothes and always makes sure to wear gloves.
When she was little she used to read fairy tales, ranging from Cinderella to the legends of King Arthur and the story of Peter Pan. Her favorite had been the tales of Robin Hood. She never identified with Marion; she was always Robin Hood in any childhood games. Rogue used to believe in the happy endings, in conquering death, and the prince kissing the princess awake.
She's grown up.
There are no such things as happy endings and kissing a prince would surely lead to disaster.
Death isn't some ancient man in a robe with a scythe. It's a sixteen year old girl with deadly white skin.