makeyourlist 27.3: Things I need to do and a meme

Jun 15, 2008 11:14

-cat food
-get Finn some toys
-summer clothes
-more bath stuff
Look into:
-law degree
-courses still need to be obtained

1. First Name: Anna

2. Age: 26. 27 all too soon...

3. Location: New York City.

4. Occupation: retired from...everythin'. Ain't exactly sure what I'll be doin' now. May finish up my degree.

5. Partner?

6. Kids: no

7. Brothers/Sisters: two older brothers, Kurt Wagner, best brother ya could ever have, an' Graydon Creed, ain't he dead again?

8. Pets: Finn. My kitten.

9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:

#1. Got a new place ta stay. Maybe I'll finally be able ta stop runnin'. That'd be nice.

#2. Law degree or somethin'...

#3. Finn.

10. Where and for what did you go to school? I have a partial law degree. Thinkin' of finishin' it up.

11. Parents: Raven Darkholme, ya know, Mystique. Everyone's favorite assassin. An' Irene Adler, dead.

12. Who are some of your closest friends? I think I pretty much pushed a lot of them away these last couple of months. Bein' involved in a terrorist organization'll do that ta ya.

meme, makeyourlist

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