Operation Bibbidi Bobbidi: Make sure Rachel has fun

Jun 07, 2007 20:08

Rachel was going to have fun.

That was Rogue's mission. To make her friend enjoy this vacation and not think about Jean or Sinister or anything that might make the girl cry. It was a lofty goal. Rogue knew that but it was one come hell or high water that she was going to accomplish. She'd thought carefully, listing the pros and cons for the different parks. Trying to figure out which of them would be the best to help meet her goal and had quickly come to the conclusion that none of them were going to work.

Instead she'd chosen Downtown Disney as their destination. Good food, entertainment and shopping! It had definitely been the allure of stores that had been the deciding factor. It wouldn't put too much pressure on her friend and Rogue thought shopping was as good a type of therapy as any other.

Which was why she was at the monorail stop waiting for Rachel to join her.

Rachel jumped off the monorail and spotted Anna right away. She tucked her iPod away and pushed her Donald Duck sunglasses up on top of her head. She'd been out way too late last night, again. But she'd had breakfast, and hadn't had any alcohol since 3:30 this morning, so she could say she was sober and she'd eaten truthfully. She knew Anna was going to ask, and didn't mind. Actually, it made her feel sort of looked after.

She smiled at Anna. "So, what's on the agenda? I know you have a plan. You have that 'I have a plan" look."

Rogue laughed, throwing her head back in pure amusement. "Of course I do. Erik wasn't lettin' me outta the room without one. He had other ideas what we could do today." She grinned wickedly at Rachel. "An' don't you worry. I can tell ya are. You get the little crease in your forehead. Worryin'. I told him I'd make it up to him tonight. 'Sides! I need girl time!"

She did a little twirl and beckoned for Rachel to follow. "We're goin' for an afternoon of pure enjoyment. No boyfriends or families or nothin'. Just two girls out to have a good time. An' what better way to do that than by shoppin' an' eatin' an' puttin' it all on my mother's card!" Rogue grinned, flashing the bit of plastic. "Whaddaya think?"

"I think Mystique should buy me lots of stuff," Rachel said, laughing. "Considering how often she threatens to kill me. But, I don't want to carry a lot of stuff -- can we send it all back to our hotels? Will they do that here?"

"Already got that covered." Rogue grinned, trying not to look too happy. "An' of course she owes ya. That's why I swiped this card. She'll just love the bill. Though, I don't think she actually ever pays them. Ain't all that sure how these cards go. Let's just not think about it."

They walked toward the boardwalk which was thankfully not as crowded. Most of the guests would be still out in the parks which was why she'd picked to come now. Right before lunch. "What first--shopping or are ya hungry? Did you eat breakfast? Ya look like you slept wellish."

"I ate!" Rachel giggled. "I knew you were going to ask that, so I did. But --" Rachel looked sheepish. "Maybe we could get something before we hit the stores? Coffee? And a pastry or something?" Rachel bumped against Anna's bare arm. "And you are a genius, with the packages."

A kiosk up ahead was selling margaritas. Rachel nodded towards it. "We could stop there first?"

Rogue steered Rachel toward a different kiosk that sold different specialty coffees and pastries. Drinking with Rachel earlier in the week hadn't gone so well and she didn't want a repeat. They were here to have fun, not cry!

"Look. Munchy food." She smiled brightly and ordered herself a tall latte and an apple crisp. "I gotta have coffee. Was up late last night. Don't think I've exactly recovered. This okay?"

"Coffee's good," Rachel said. She ordered. "That wasn't subtle, Anna," she said without looking up. "But you're probably right. Thank you."

Rachel wolfed down the pastry in seconds. "Okay!" she said. "This place is wearing me down. I find I want -- no, I need -- to force Mystique to buy a lot of baby-doll t's with princesses on them in places that will look obscene when I wear them. Which way!"

"Sorry, Ray. I didn't..." Rogue stopped, shook her head and sighed. "This way!" she replied cheerfully, directing Rachel towards a building molded to look like the fairy godmother's cottage in Sleeping Beauty.

"Now remember, Ray. You love me an' are open to new experiences." Rogue nodded, and did a little wave towards the building. "We're gonna get make-overs! Ain't it great!"

Rachel let herself be dragged along, laughing, with her coffee in hand. "Doesn't this place, like, cater to four-year-olds? Anna, you're kidding, right? I mean -- I'm not a princess!"

"All girls are princesses, Rachel. That's from a book ya know. A little princess. Oma used to read that one to me." Rogue smiled, pushing Rachel into the shop. She clapped at the overdone displays. Hundreds of gowns and Princess paraphernalia. All in sections depending on which princess it represented. Perfect.

Rogue walked right to the counter, smiling brightly at the two women standing behind it. Dressed up like fairy godmothers. "Two reservations under Darkholme. With stipulations."

The older woman nodded, smiling friendly back. It was a little disconcerting how friendly all these people were. "Of course. Gloves worn at all times. Don't worry, dear, we have unique requirements made all the time."

Rogue tugged on Rachel, who was standing near the doorway looking at her as though she'd lost her mind. "Come on, Ray. It'll be fun. Figure out what princess ya want to be. It'll be wonderful."

She followed the woman back towards the boutique area, sitting down in one of the hairdresser chairs. "Sleeping Beauty please. Full works."

Rachel tripped over the door sill, her mouth open, gaping. "Uhhh . . . What -- what are my options? Do any of them have sensible hair?" she asked, laughing helplessly. "I don't really know anything about princesses . . ." Rachel sat in the chair as directed, cradling her coffee.

Rogue looked over at her friend and giggled at her uncomfortableness. "Make her int'a Belle. She'd make a good one," she told the stylist. "Belle was smart. Did what she had to in order to save her family. Like you."

Sighing she leaned back, letting the spray of hot water hit her scalp. "Heaven," she murmured, as the woman began shampooing her hair.

Rachel leaned back as the, the what, the technicians? As they went to work on her. She flinched at first. But they were good. She started to lean back a little. Closed her eyes.

"First trip to the Magic Kingdom?" the one touching her hair asked brightly.

Rachel started, her eyes flying open. "Um," Rachel replied. "Um. Can -- Do -- "

*Anna?* she sent urgently. *Do I have to talk to them? I don't want to be rude? Help?*

*Ya don't have ta if'n you don't want ta. Feel free to use telepathy to send them a suggestion if'n ya want. I ain't wantin' to talk that much either.* Rogue looked over at Rachel and frowned, seeing her friend entirely too tense. Jumpy. This was not going how she wanted. *Relax, Ray. This ain't nothin' bad. Just us havin' a little fun.*

Rogue closed her eyes and focused on the stylist's fingers massaging her scalp. Maybe this hadn't been such a good idea. *If you want we can go.*

*No, it's okay,* she sent back. Rachel smiled at the woman touching her. "I, I'd like to not talk? If that's okay?" she said.

"Sure thing," the woman replied, smiling. Rachel closed her eyes again.

The water was warm, and the woman -- what was her name? Rachel peeked at her tag. "Dominique." Dominique's fingers were strong, and they moved slowly. Rachel took a deep breath and let it out, a little shakily.

*This feels really really good,* she sent to Anna. Dominique started to move away. "Please?" Rachel blurted out. "Could you do that a little more?" She blushed. "Or not. Sorry."

"More massage? I can do that," Dominique replied. "Here, sit up a little more --" She moved Rachel around and began rubbing her neck.

Rogue laughed, amused by Rachel's uncertainty. *They're supposed ta please ya, Ray. Its what they're paid ta do. You ask for what ya need. Just don't go like overboard on requests.*

Her stylist rinsed out the conditioner and then began toweling her hair, drying it a little. It'd been so long since she'd let herself be pampered. Always too scared to let anyone near her, afraid what she might do to them. If Erik had changed anything for her it was her outlook on her power. Which she thought was a good thing. It was nice not to be afraid of it, to not care. Like she had when she was younger. Before the incident with Carol.

*Enjoyin' yourself?*

"This is really great," Rachel said aloud, answering Anna's question.

"Thank you," Dominique replied. Rachel laughed a little.

Over the hour the two of them had their hair dried and styled in the look of the princess they'd chosen. Make-up applied--which had been rather hilarious as Rachel kept ducking the woman trying to do hers--and then changed into the appropriate princess gown. Rogue stepped out of the dressing room, twirling in Sleeping Beauty's dress and waited for Rachel to exit. Clapping as her friend did so. "Ya look great, hon," she informed her friend, nodding towards the tables set up for them.

At Rachel's questioning look she continued, "We're gonna make our magic wands an' crowns."

Rogue sat down in one of the chairs and began picking out the different pieces for her wand. "I know ya must think I'm crazy but I just thought. Well. That this would help ya relax. In a crazy sorta way."

Rachel sat across from Anna. "This is totally ridiculous. I'm having a really good time." She grinned and started sorting out the wand parts.

"Izzy was saying I need to stop living for other people, start living for myself. I don't really know what that means, you know?" She picked up a red and gold star and put it down. Grabbed a white one instead. "But I can't imagine that this, now, it for anybody but me. Just spending a day having fun with you. That's not for anyone else."

Rachel fit the pieces together, getting the wand length she wanted. "I was thinking of calling Dr. Lynsinski back? Asking her about that. About what that means to live for myself? Hand me that pen there, by your elbow? Thanks. And then I look around, and I can see that you are doing that. Like, you are being with the people you want, doing the work that makes you happy. I like that. Even though you live far away now. I like how you're happy."

"Yeah, I am. An' I think that's a good idea. Callin' her." Rogue fastened another bow to her wand. "You gotta look out for you first sometimes or you won't be any help to others. Not if you're hurtin' too much. Can I get one of the Aurora pins--that's Sleeping Beauty. The girl in pink. Thank you. An' ya can't always make everyone else happy. Especially if'n all its doin' is makin' ya miserable. Ain't worth it, Ray."

She waved her wand, smiling. "Learned that the hard way."

Rachel waved her wand back, grinning. "So, now we get pictures?"

*You know,* she sent, *I could give one of these to Izzy, and then Nathaniel would see it. Do you think he would think it was funny?* Rachel stopped. *Uh. Nevermind. I -- sorry.*

"I think no-one will believe I did this unless I get pictures, you know?"

*They're your pictures, Ray. You should do as you wish with them.* Rogue grinned, stepping over to the area for pictures. She sat down on the plastic tree stump and waited for Rachel to take her place beside her. *Sides we get to keep the outfits.* She couldn't help but giggle at the look on Rachel's face. *I ain't gonna make you wear it out there, don't worry. Too hot to go around as princesses.*

"I keep this?" Rachel blurted out as she sat. "What?" Anna laughed at her expression and Rachel mock-punched her.

They posed. Together for a bit. Then apart. Rachel mugged for a few, then did her absolute best to look sexy. Anna laughed at her for even trying.

"It's not fair," Rachel said. "You actually look sort of sultry, weirdly, in your outfit? I think it's this dress," she said, pulling at the sides and looking down.

"No, its havin' Mystique as a mother. That woman just oozes sex even when she shouldn't." Rogue grinned, smiling at the camera. "I gotta remember to hide these from Toad or who knows what he'll think ta do with them."

She looked over at Rachel. "An' your dress is fine, Ray. You ever seen Beauty an' the Beast? I really enjoy it." She walked back towards the dressing room, changing quickly into her own clothes. She met Rachel, her dress, wand and crown in her bag. "Ready to go? We could eat or go shoppin' a little more. Though, are ya sure ya want me to decide the next store?" Rogue's grin was wicked.

Rachel changed quickly. "That took forever,, she said, laughing. "Let's eat. And then, yes, too-tight t-shirts with slogans on them."

They left the store in charge of their things. They would be delivered as directed. Rachel let Anna lead to a barbecue joint. "You are having a good time, right?" Rachel grinned. Anna hadn't looked this happy -- carefree -- in a while.

"I really am." Rogue grinned as they were led to a table. "Are you?" she asked, watching Rachel carefully. Once she'd gotten past looking so nervous she thought her friend was having fun. But she wasn't sure.

Rachel smiled at the server and ordered. Made sure to order a Coke, nothing else. "I'm -- right now? Yeah. I'm happy. I'm kind of a mess, all over the place. But right now, I'm happy." She stood up quickly and leaned over the table, giving Anna a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. "This is fun. Helps me forget."

"I'm glad." Rogue leaned back, pleased with herself. "But don't do too much forgettin'. That ain't good either. But we all need some time away where we ain't thinkin' 'bout our problems twenty-four seven." She sipped her water. "Have ya been to the park at all? Erik an' I went to the Magic Kingdom yesterday. That no powers rule was broken a bunch of times." She giggled, feeling entirely too wicked.

"Did you guys break anything? No, don't tell me, I don't want to know!" Rachel laughed. "I went with Izzy? I, ah -- I have to tell you? Izzy was telling me about a fight with her mom? And I was totally quoting you." She blushed a little. "I mean, all the good stuff you have been trying to tell me about Jean. About how some things aren't my fault. So, I think I'm getting it a little more. Thank you."

"About time," Rogue teased, nudging Rachel's leg with her foot. That had to be a good thing. Right? That Rachel was quoting her. It meant that at least she was listening. Their server returned with their food and Rogue glared as the guy deliberately leaned in too close. Hand brushing her arm. She watched him flinch, not sure what had happened and cringed as he walked away. His thoughts weren't at all nice.

"What was his name?" she asked, wanting the information for later. Maybe she'd let Erik or hell, her mother know.

"Hmm?" Rachel looked up. "Dennis. And, ew! Uh -- wait." Something there. Something nasty. "Call him back and touch him longer. There's -- I'd read his mind, but that's a violation. Yours are always on?"

"Yeah, okay." Rogue waved at Dennis, smiling entirely too brightly. Tried not to wince as he eagerly made his way back over.

"Hi, I was wonderin'," she asked, putting her hand on top of his, fingers drawing over the back of it. "If'n I could have some more coke? Please." She pulled away after a few moments, trying not to shake. His head was awful. And the things he wanted to do. "Now," she bit out, looking away. Wanting him to go.

*Make him go, Ray. Please.*

Rachel made him hear an urgent call from the kitchen and looked at Anna, worried. "What is it? What's going on with him?"

Rogue took a deep breath, trying to clear her head. To make him leave it. "What he wanted...oh Ray. It was awful. What he's done--to women." She shuddered, hands shaking slightly a took a long drink. Needing to center herself. "Sorry. I. Needed him to go away."

She looked down at her hands. They were still trembling.

Rachel stood. She started walking towards the register, where Dennis was ringing up an older couple, smiling. She flicked one hand open, down, letting the fire start to spill out of her body.

"Cool, no problem, I got this," Rachel said calmly. Almost cheerfully.

"Rachel, no." Rogue grabbed her arm, pulling her back in. "No powers, remember?" Rogue shook herself. "Who the hell am I kiddin'. Do what ya want."

Rachel stopped. Pulled the talon back in. "Right. Right. I don't want to get arrested. So. What do we do? Do we have evidence? Anything?" Rachel looked at Anna's face. Pale and furious. "You. You could tell Pyro. Or Toad."

She sat back down.

"If we had evidence we could go to the police."

Rogue glared at the man. "We won't find any. He burns everythin'." She shivered again, hearing a woman's scream in her head, feeling his absolute pleasure as he violated her. "Ugh. She closed her eyes, fingers rubbing her temples. "I don't feel so well. An' I'll tell Erik. Or Momma. She'd enjoy hurtin' him."

She wasn't hungry anymore.

"Let's go. And, yeah. Tell Raven." Rachel threw some money on the table, unwilling to give any name or credit information to Dennis. She pulled Anna up.

Out on the street Rachel took the lead, pulling Anna to a nearby shirt store. "C'mon, you have to help me pick out something that looks obscene, yet Disney."

Rogue took another deep breath and nodded. "Okay. Um." She headed toward one of the displays. "How about this one?"

She held up a babytee with Snow White in her coffin. "Sorry. I'll keep lookin'." She rummaged through the pieces and showed a couple different tees. "I don't think any of these are even gonna fit past your bellybutton."

Rachel grabbed coffin one. "No, that's perfect!" She pulled it on over her bikini top. It was tight, the coffin stretched over her breasts. Anna was right, it just brushed her bellybutton. Rachel grinned. "These are perfect!" she exclaimed.

Rachel posed, in the tee and her Daisy Dukes and her princess-hair, and burst out laughing. Genuine laughter filling the front of the store.

Success! Rogue clapped, unable to stop laughing herself. "I'm glad that worked." She bumped playfully into Rachel. "An' I'm glad your happy an' laughin'. That's all I wanted."

Rachel wrapped a t-shirt around each arm and lunged at Anna, hugging her tight. *Yeah,* she said. *Happy.* She let go, backed away half-dancing. "These are great," she said. I want three. And maybe some tight shorts with Donald Duck on the ass. Think we can find some?"

Rogue grinned, picking out a Tinkerbell shirt for herself. It'd be good for workouts. Or before bed. "Honey, this is Disney World, I'm sure we could find Donald Duck on just about anythin'. Unless Mickey put a stop to it."

Rachel laughed again. Happy.

And here is the picture of Rogue and Rachel as princesses...

rp, disney, rachel

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