RP for tm_magneto

Jun 06, 2007 13:29

Rogue was practically bouncing. She wasn't going to worry about anything today. It was her and Erik's day. No Brotherhood issues, no insane mothers or other family members, no Rachel. Nothing. Just her with Erik. And she meant to make the most of it ( Read more... )

rp, disney, magneto

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tm_magneto June 6 2007, 20:42:22 UTC
Erik smiled at Anna. He was feeling rather relaxed, actually. It was nice to be on vacation, certainly, even if most of the people here were going to try and have him arrested the minute the vacation was over.

And Anna...she was making him laugh, to be honest, with her childlike enthusiasm and her obvious enjoyment of their location. Which, if he were honest, was also going to worry him when he had time to think about it.

This is the sort of life Anna wants. After this, it will back into hiding and missions and she will not laugh so much.

If this was all he could give her in the way of normalcy, for the rest of the time she chose to spend with him as his lover, then he was going to give her exactly what she wanted.

He smiled at her, putting an arm around her waist and drawing her close. "Let's go to Magic Kingdom, first, so that we can horrify other people with our inappropriate age difference." He handed her a guide book. "I found this downstairs in the gift shop. I am very interested in Tomorrowland. The Space Mountain ride sounds fun."

Erik pocketed his keycard and some money along with his SHIELD ID. He had on a hat and casual clothes, and he doubted anyone would even know he was Magneto. He looked like a tourist.

With his granddaughter. Erik tried not to laugh at that. Their age difference was definitely more pronounced, when they were dressed so casually.

Erik gave a low, evil laugh. "In Tomorrowland, do you think they have it where the future is only populated by mutants?"


tm_rogue June 6 2007, 20:57:15 UTC
Rogue grinned. "Kinda doubt it, Erik, but feel free to fix it as ya see fit."

She did a little twirl and grabbed his hand, tugging him out of the room and towards the elevator. Letting go as her power started. "Can we do Peter Pan's ride? Oh an' Snow White's scary ride?" At his look she giggled. "No really that's what its called. Snow White's Scary Adventure."

She couldn't help but be excited. It really didn't matter that they were here in Disney. They could be anywhere. She just wanted time alone with him. More than a few hours for some meal. Like it used to be before she joined up.

"An' you do know we gotta get a picture of you in Mouse Ears, right? I told Lorna I would." She laughed as the elevator doors opened, stepping inside and to the right away from the people already inside. Not wanting to start the day by having one of them clouding her head.


tm_magneto June 6 2007, 21:06:23 UTC
"We may do whatever you wish. However, if Snow White's ride is actually scary, I'll eat my hat." They took the elevator down to the lobby, then went outside to the monorail station. They waiting in the line, just like everyone else.

"Mouse ears? Really?" He winced. "What about something more dignified? Surely there is something, yes?" The train arrived, and they found seats in the cool, air-conditioned monorail.

Erik smiled. He leaned over. "I could make this go faster, you know," he said. He winked at her, and the train sped up just a little.


tm_rogue June 6 2007, 21:20:03 UTC
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Ain't supposed to use powers." Rogue leaned forward and kissed him, hands wrapping in his shirt. She didn't pull away when her power started, drawing a little of him.

She could feel the monorail in an entirely different way. "Wow. There's a lot of metal 'round here." Rogue leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder. Ignoring the looks they were recieving.

"You could always make the ride scarier, Erik. If'n ya wanted." She played with the end of his sleeve. "An' nope, gotta be Mouse Ears. Its tradition."


tm_magneto June 6 2007, 21:35:11 UTC
"Tradition? We've never been here. But all right. I suppose my terrifying reputation can withstand mouse ears. Not on the helmet, Anna." He kissed her head and looked out of the monorail window with interest.

The monorail approached the station, and they joined the light crowd heading into the Magic Kingdom. The friendliness of everyone there made his teeth ache, but it was rather...cheerful?

"Where to first?"


tm_rogue June 6 2007, 21:45:44 UTC
"Spoilsport." Rogue grinned, grabbed his hand and tugged him forward. Further into the park. "We could go ta Tomorrowland first an' then to Fantasyland. Since its after it."

She could see Cinderella's Castle in the distance and released his hand, feeling her power begin to tug. A little boy bumped into her and she yelped, jumping away as her power pulled hard at him. Causing the child to stumble. "Or we can go the other way. Wherever there isn't a big crowd would probably be best."

Rogue massaged her temples, trying to push the boy's eagerness and frantic mind away.


tm_magneto June 6 2007, 21:56:41 UTC
Erik glared at the child, then looked, concerned, at his girlfriend. "I am going to subtly alter the magnetic fields around you. It will keep anyone from getting close enough to you to bother you. It's a subtle use of my power, it shouldn't cause any alarms. I want you to relax." Have fun before we get back to the life you've signed up for, with me.

Erik pushed those thoughts aside. "Tomorrowland, it is." They walked towards that area of the park. "When we are victorious," he murmured, leaning down to speak to her, "We are renaming this MutantLand."


tm_rogue June 6 2007, 22:04:45 UTC
Rogue giggled, smiling brightly at him. "Of course we will. An' thanks. For the lil'trick." She never understood how no one else could see this side of the man. The caring, concerned one.

She linked her arm with his. Perfectly content. "Which ride do ya wanna do first?" she asked, as they entered Tomorrowland. "Good thing the park ain't as full as it usually is. I hate lines. Patience is a silly virtue."


tm_magneto June 6 2007, 22:12:11 UTC
"It is indeed," he said, smiling. "Let's do this one first." They got in line for Space Mountain, which was short but still required a bit of a wait.

Erik read all of the little signs about space in the waiting area. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been on a roller coaster. They sat in the cars, Anna tucked next to him.

The controller told them to have a pleasant flight through space, and the cars began to move. Erik could feel metal everywhere. It was dark inside, pitch black and hard to see.

"They can never fool me," he said, as the cars began to climb. "I can feel the metal, so I know what is coming."


tm_rogue June 6 2007, 22:32:59 UTC
Rogue screamed at the first dip, grabbing Erik's leg and squeezing. She laughed, enjoying the rush of adrenaline each time they twisted and turned. The flashing lights making her giddy.

She felt weightless a few times but none of it really captured floating in air. They weren't really flying and her body definitely knew the difference.

"Ain't exactly like space," she told him, as the car came to a stop. Her cheeks were flushed, eyes wide and alert. "Did ya enjoy yourself?"


tm_magneto June 7 2007, 01:45:28 UTC
"Yes." Erik waved his hand.

The ride began to move again, going a little faster. "Oh, no. A malfunction in our favor." He smiled down at her. "I didn't want to wait in line again."


tm_rogue June 7 2007, 01:53:51 UTC
"Simply devious, sugah." She kissed his cheek and then tensed herself for the drop, screaming as they went down again.

"You've just been waitin' ta do that haven't ya." Rogue giggled, leaning against him as the ride came to stop again.


tm_magneto June 7 2007, 02:39:36 UTC
The man working at the controller was trying to figure out why the ride malfunctioned. Erik held his arm out politely to Anna, tucking her arm beneath his as they exited the ride.

Tomorrowland proved to be of an anachronism. Erik amused Rogue by making the PeopleMover go a little too fast. He would have to be careful with using his power, though. Wouldn't want to violate Mr. Stark's hospitality.

"Where would you like to go now? I am disappointed by TomorrowLand. You choose our next destination."


tm_rogue June 7 2007, 02:47:12 UTC
"Fantasyland!" Rogue replied a bit too enthusiastically and then blushed. "Uh. Yeah. There please. Its the next section over."

She spotted the tea cups and tugged Erik. "Oh look. The tea cups from Alice in Wonderland." She grinned as they stepped into line. "Momma used to read this to me all the time--the book. An' she'd do the voices. It was funny, hearin' her do 'em all. An' then I saw the movie an' it just wasn't right. I was so used to hers."

They didn't have to wait long and Rogue picked out one of the tea cups, sitting down across from him. "The ride'll make it spin but if'n we wanna make it spin even more an' wilder we spin here," she told him, touching the middle. "Bet you don't even have ta touch here, do ya?"


tm_magneto June 7 2007, 03:03:34 UTC
"Not at all," Erik said, smiling. He placed his hands on the center. "For appearances sake," he said with a serious expression.

The ride began to whirl. It was very...sickening, almost. He used his powers just a little, to spin the teacup faster. Anna was giggling.

"This is a silly ride," he shouted, over the music. "Not one to go on after lunch."


tm_rogue June 7 2007, 03:07:50 UTC
"I think all the rides here have a degree of silliness, Erik." Rogue placed her fingers on top of his, drawing some of his powers.

She grinned, feeling the tea cups beneath her. The metal around her. All over the park. It was slightly overwhelming and she moved her fingers away, breathing hard.

"Wow," she said, opening her eyes. Not sure when she'd closed them. "That was...okay, right?"


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