177. Smile

May 07, 2007 21:30

Sure I can't do a list of who has made me cry?

Okay, let's see...

Pyro and Toady for gettin' me to do the whole Brotherhood Initiation thing. Bad karaoke and weird drinks drank entirely too fast. Plus an almost brawl that Pyro stopped from happening. I dunno. I think me and Toady could have taken them.

Rachel for being her. really, you're my best friend, Ray and you...[locked]you better make it back, okay? Cause I'd really hate to have to kill your Mom.[unlocked] I miss ya babe. We need to do another shopping trip. You and me and my mother's credit card. Hee. Think of the fun.

Lorna for the best plan ever. I cannot wait, hon.

Erik for...uh.

I. You. This really shouldn't be makin' me blush, should it sugah? It is though. One of those blushes you like. Creepin' all the way down my neck and--you make me smile all the time. Inside and out. I smile each time I wake up in the morning and there you are at my side. Not afraid of my skin. If anything enticed by it. Touching it. Kissing me.

Each time I fall asleep at night, snuggled right up next to you. My own personal teddy bear.

And you make me smile bunches during the day too. And uh, at night. When you do that, um. Thing. With, um. Yeah.

I love you.

Uh. I think I'll stop with the sap now.

Oh also the Brotherhood made me smile this week when they tried to disgust me with their interesting additions to their laundry loads. Ah, the power of bleach or ooops. A red bikini top in with your whites. Oh so sorry boys. I do want that top back, Toad! And if you know who accidentally got my nightgown in with their load uh...could you let me know. I miss it.

lorna, pyro, toad, rachel, prompt, magneto

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