Christmas Dinner

Dec 25, 2006 16:20

[Written with tm_magneto]


Rogue had informed Rachel where she was going and had put a communicator in her purse in case she ran into any trouble. She didn't foresee anything happening, but if she'd learned anything as an X-Man it was best to be cautious. Pulling her hair into a loose pony tail she looked at herself in the mirror, hoping she hadn't put too much effort into her ensemble.

She'd chosen a silky long green dress with a low cut back and long sleeves. Her plan was to leave her gloves in the pocket of her coat and show him she wasn't afraid of her power. Prove him wrong. Taking a deep breath, she smoothed down the front of her dress and gathered her things.

Now was the hard part, getting out of the house without any of the others putting up much of a fuss. She really didn't see herself having much of a problem. Mystique was currently inebriated and involved in a battle of cards with Creed. Rachel already knew what she was doing and was supposed to keep the others occupied, not that she expected a problem. Pulling on her coat, she picked up the present she'd bought him and made her way down the stairwell, heading quickly towards the side door to get to the garage.

She sighed with relief when she made it without interference to the Mazda before silently berating herself. These were her friends. She shouldn't be hiding this from them. Telling them would only cause unnecessary strife, she reasoned with herself. I'm already dressed and I got him a present...he's expecting would be rude if I didn't show up. She nodded and left, ignoring the twisting knot developing in her stomach.

Surprisingly it didn't take her that long to get to Manhattan and she parked the car within walking distance of her destination. Taking a deep breath, she walked into the restaurant, trying not to look too anxious. She didn't see him and she felt the knot in her stomach twist even more and she wondered if perhaps this had all been a ruse, that he'd never planned on coming.

Erik was seated at the table in the back, next to the window, at a table low-lit with a small gaslight. He stood up as he saw her, politely waiting for her to arrive at the table as he stood with his hands clasped behind his back. She looked lovely, very stunning in her dress. She wasn't wearing her gloves; the gesture made him smile. It was either because she wanted to make a point that she wasn't afraid of her powers, or she wanted to remain on guard in case he tried something. Either way, he was pleased.

There was a small box tied with a silver bow on her place setting; nothing too extravagant, but he hoped elegant.

It would be a coup indeed to take her away from the X-Men. It would infuriate Mystique, as well. Erik smiled at her. "Anna. You look lovely."

"Thank you," she replied, trying not to blush. "You look dashing."

She sat down in her seat and smiled down at the small box in front of her. Damn it I forgot his gift in the car. "You didn't have to get me anything," she murmured, and slowly untied the bow. She gasped as she opened the box and picked up the elegant, silver bracelet with an R embossed on it. "It's beautiful. Thank you," she told him sincerely, and tried to put it on, her fingers trembling.

"Of course I didn't. But you were so nice to agree to spend the evening with me," he said smoothly, reaching out to clasp the bracelet around her wrist, "That I wanted to show my appreciation for your company." He smiled. "I would have gotten you one with an A, but I believe this is the name you go by the most."

"It is, thank you." She tried not to gasp when he'd touched her, every nerve ending in her body coming alive, and settled for smiling as she placed her hands in her lap. "I..." She took a deep breath, unsure what to say, how to start this conversation. 'What nefarious deed do you plan on doing after dinner' just didn't seem like it would be appropriate. "Thank you for inviting me."

"You're welcome. Thank you for agreeing to meet me. I'm aware this is unusual." He opened the wine list. "Would you care for a glass of wine? I don't usually usually drink, but you're welcome to some if you like."

She was half tempted but thought it would be a good idea to keep her wits about her. "No thank you." She looked down at the menu. "Is there anything you'd recommend here?"

"I like the vegetable primavera, and the eggplant Parmesan. I don't know if they're meat dishes are any good, though I have an...associate...who enjoys the chicken Marsala." Erik leaned back in his chair and studied her. "And how was your Christmas celebration at the mansion? Appropriately festive?"

"Oh yes and chaotic as usual." She flashed him a smile and looked back at the menu. "I think I'll have the chicken Marsala. It does look very delicious." She mulled over his choices and looked back up. "Are you a vegetarian?"

"I am. Does that surprise you?"

She shrugged. "No...I really don't know that much about you." Rogue looked back down at the menu, hating how nervous she felt and wishing she could think of something to talk about.

"I'm not a young man, but I have a lot of work to do," he said honestly. "I've found it to be a healthy lifestyle." It was obvious to him that she was nervous. "I know you don't have reason to believe me, but I'm honestly not here to hurt you." That was true enough. "I'm definitely not in the mood for a fight, Anna." He stressed her human name, hoping to lull her into being less anxious.

"Its not that I think you're gonna hurt me, Mag--Erik." She smiled sheepishly and shook her head before continuing. "I just haven't done this all that much. Gone out to dinner...not all that sure what to say, what to do." She took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down. "Did you have a nice day today?"

He wasn't expecting that. "Ah. Yes. It was pleasant enough." He didn't elaborate. "When you're not running about saving the world from villains such as myself, what do you like to do for fun?" His mouth twisted in a self-mocking smile.

"I like to build things, like cars or help Wolverine work on his motorcycle," she replied, and sipped her water. "I was going for my law degree but that kind of went south. Keep meaning to get back to that. What about you? What do you like to do when you're not...any hobbies?"

"When I'm not what?" he asked her, unable to resist the question. "Fighting for mutant rights? Attempting to gain our rightful place--" he realized what he was doing and stopped. "My enthusiasm for the subject gets the better of me, as I'm sure you can guess." He took a sip of his drink, the water cool and refreshing. "I like to read. I'm afraid my hobbies are very boring."

"I didn't mean to rile you up," she murmured, absently stroking her bracelet. "I knew this wasn't a good idea." She gave him a sad smile. "I should probably just go."

"I'm not riled up," Erik said, shaking his head at her. "You're very stressed. You should probably have a glass of wine, to relax, mmm?" He gestured towards a waiter. "Do you prefer white or red?"

"Red, please." Rogue took a deep breath. One glass couldn't hurt any. "I'm sorry. Not very good at this, I did tell you." She took a sip of water, calming herself. "What...what do you like to read?"

"Books," he said, unable to help himself, then gave a low, rich laugh at her look. "I enjoy non-fiction, mostly world history. Though I do enjoy mystery novels." He ordered a glass of house red, then paused politely as the waiter brought it to the table. Their salads arrived shortly after. "Law degree? How interesting. What specific area of law interested you the most?"

"Defensive strategies," she replied, and took a sip of her wine, relaxing further. "It always seemed interesting to me. I kind of like mechanics more though." She grinned at him. "Less stressful."

"I imagine so." He kept up a steady stream of small talk as they ate, trying to set her at ease so that she would stop thinking of him as Magneto and relax. She was a clever girl, Rogue, with a sharp mind and a great deal of power and potential. She was also very loyal to the X-Men. Getting her on his side would be rather difficult. Possibly it would be to his advantage to seduce her, as a man, before he tried to appeal to her ideology.

She listened and responded to his questions, feeling herself relax immensely, startled to find that she enjoyed the sound of his voice. She found herself asking him questions in order to learn little details about him but also merely to hear him speak, cataloging the information she learned away while memorizing the way he looked in his suit. He takes care of himself, that's for sure. She averted her gaze at that thought, unable to believe she'd thought that about him, Magneto, her enemy. Except...he ain't...not right now. "Thank you for inviting me. I'm enjoying myself," she told him sincerely, and smiled.

Pleased, he reached across the table and gently drew his fingers over her wrist, over the bracelet. "I'm glad. Would you like dessert?" He moved his fingers away, keeping the gesture casual, as if he had hardly thought twice about her deadly skin.

Her skin was on fire from where he'd touched her and her eyes widened, amazed that he wasn't scared to be touching her. "I...yes, please," she murmured, watching him carefully as the waiter came over and she ordered chocolate mousse. She ate it slowly, trying to savor each bite and not wanting the night to end. "It’s very good. Would you like some?" She scooped some onto her spoon and offered it to him.

"No. No thank you." If his voice was a little breathless as he watched her eat her dessert, he was nearly certain that she wasn't familiar enough with his vocal inflections to notice. "I would rather you enjoy it," he said in low voice, leaning back in his chair. He allowed just a little of his desire to show on his face. It wasn't as if he had to force himself to find her attractive. No, that...wasn't at all a problem.

She noticed the change in his expression and averted her gaze, finishing the dessert slowly, feeling butterflies in her stomach. When she looked back up at him, she smiled, hoping none of her desire was showing on her face but she had a feeling she was failing miserably. "I'm finished," she murmured, unable to look away from him. She really didn't want to go home. Not yet.

"Perhaps we could go for a walk, since it is rather mild out for December." He pulled out his wallet and counted out enough cash for the meal, then stood up and offered her his arm. "Shall we?" He'd seen how she responded to his caress, and while he'd not intended to touch her further, perhaps that could be...amended, somewhat.

"I'd like that." She accepted his arm and smiled, letting him lead her outside. Nothing good can come of this, she reiterated, unable to bring herself to care. She liked the warmth of his body and he smelled nice. Different than Remy. Crisp, clean, very him.

They walked down the street and he told her an amusing story about his first visit to New York, how he'd nearly run into traffic looking up at the buildings. When it began to get cold, he began walking her back towards her car, and he slid his arm around her waist and drew her nearer. "To keep you warm," he said solicitously, though of course, she would have to know that was not his only reason.

She leaned into him, her cheeks reddening. She liked the way his arm fit around her waist and how nicely she fit against him. This is dangerous. They stopped at her car and she took out the present from the passenger seat. " made me think of you," she told him, and smiled, missing his arm around her.

He opened his presents, gave an actual laugh at the hat--"You will forgive me if I don't wear this?"--and wrapped the scarf around his neck. He drew her back towards him. "Thank you," he murmured, and then leaned down and touched his mouth to hers, just to see what may happen.

Her eyes widened in surprise before she gently entwined her fingers in his suit jacket, pressing her lips back against his until her power started. She drew back and smiled apologetically. "Sorry."

He wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and hauled her against him, his mouth claiming hers hungrily. "I'm not," he murmured against her mouth, kissing her until he could no longer hold the contact. He made sure to focus on how much he wanted her, and nothing more of his more...covert...plans. No sense giving up the game early on. Plus, it wasn't that hard to think about wanting her, when she was pressed so warm and soft against him.

She gasped, her hands tightening and she leaned her forehead against his chest, her breathing heavy. She closed her eyes, overwhelmed by his obvious desire and tried not to groan. "This is wrong," she murmured, shaking her head. She should not want him to do that again, harder. Dangerous, she reiterated, trying to gain control of her emotions.

"Yes. It is. I am--" he put her away from him, a little disconcerted at how much he'd wanted to do that. "Perhaps it is best if we call this an evening. Thank you, Anna, for accompanying me to dinner. And for the gift." He looked down at her, his face serious. "Have you some way..." he shook his head. "Never mind. I am sure that you would not be...I shall just bid you good night."

"I had a lovely time, Erik," she told him, and hesitantly placed a hand on his arm, forcing herself not to flinch. "May...may I see you again?"

He had to hide his smile of triumph with a concerned look. "Are you certain this is a...good idea? Not that I wouldn't enjoy you company. It is only...I know what your teammates think of me."

She frowned, having forgotten about them and who he was and...I don't care. Why couldn't she have something that was just hers and not the X-Men's? Besides, Rachel would know. "They...don't have to know." She scrambled through her purse for a piece of paper and scribbled her cellphone number on it. " If you want to reach me, you can," she told him, and handed him the paper.

His fingers closed over the paper and he tucked it inside his coat. He smiled at her and tipped her chin up to his, intending to kiss her very briefly. Instead, he ended up very nearly bending her backwards over the car.

She moaned against his mouth, hands grasping his shoulders and pressed her body into his. Her power was pulling and she didn't care, not wanting to break contact with his lips. "Oh god," she murmured against him, able to actually feel the metal of the car underneath her, knowing that if she wanted to she could have bent it under her will.

"You see, Anna, your power isn't so terrible after all." He disentangled himself from her again and thrust his hands into his pockets. "Good night."

She bit back a groan and contemplated his words. "Good night, Erik. Happy holidays." She smiled and got into the car. "Stay safe," she said, slowly caressing the bracelet before she started the car.

Erik made his way back to the hotel in which he was staying, and he took the long route. He could use the fresh air, to be honest, and he wasn't terribly afraid of muggers. Anyone who attempted to bother him would be very, very sorry.

rp, holidays, magneto, dating

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