[new years gifts, to the Brotherhood]

Jan 08, 2008 20:22

Magneto does not celebrate Christmas, precisely. He does, however, wish to give a few gifts to his soldiers.

So he waits until New Years, as he thinks this is more appropriate. And his mun has been away and is only now catching up. These gifts, to him, signify a new year. A new beginning.

Hopefully, a new world.

Magneto leaves these gifts for his Brotherhood downstairs, on the table where they customarily have breakfast. His gift for Pyro is waiting, wrapped in silver paper with a red bow, for when his trusted lieutenant returns.

Each gift has a note attached.

morty_toad receives dog tags. On it is inscribed Quod est, eo decet uti: et quicquid agas, agere pro viribus. Toad's note says the following.

Toad--I wished to find you something that showed what I believe of you--that you are loyal beyond measure, that you are committed beyond doubt. Dogs have always been symbols of loyalty, and dog tags the symbol of the soldier. You are both. The words translate as What one has, one ought to use; and whatever he does he should do with all his might. It is a quote from the Roman poet, Cicero.

Thank you for your service. To me, and to mutants.


To Av_lanche, he gifts a Swiss Army Knife. The note reads as follows:


I have always found you a resourceful and clever soldier, and one who has the wisdom to use all the tools at his command. Thank you for service, and for your dedication. It is most appreciated.


For Rogue (his soldier, not is lover) he gifts with a compass. On it is engraved with "And you, a windrose, a compass, my direction."

He leaves her no note. He thinks she will understand what he means.

Pyro's, he keeps until he arrives home.

He holds Lorna's gift, as well as the twins', until their birthday in February. Perhaps they will accept them, perhaps not. He will try, and see what happens.


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