Jul 13, 2007 15:33
Standard disclaimer: this is so not the mun's opinion.
[The following statement was issued by the mutant known as Magneto, figurehead of the terrorist organization the Brotherhood of Mutants, in response to the recent attacks.]
Fellow mutants, humans, and leaders of the world--
We, the Brotherhood of Mutants, have sent you a warning.
Perhaps you are asking yourself why we have chosen to attack such low-profile establishments; a printing press, a coffee house, a bank. Perhaps you question our resources and our commitment to the cause of mutant liberation, if we are choosing to busy ourselves with such menial expressions of so-called "senseless violence". On the surface, perhaps it seems that way to you. You homo sapiens see what you wish to see, and you are ever quick to dismiss us as monsters who pose no real threat.
And yet, last week, we attacked in your communities. Not the United Nations, this time, but in your neighborhood haunts and your local banks. Your places of employment and leisure. It is one thing to make a stand against those leaders whose policies are unjust, whose decisions will forever keep homo superior from attaining their rightful place in the evolutionary hierarchy. And make no mistake, we will fight these tyrants, and we will use whatever means necessary to do so. But this is not our only concern.
Every day, mutants in this country face intolerance not just from human leaders, but from the communities in which they are trying to live. You wish for us to live in peace and harmony among you. And yet, your establishments shun us. The Starbucks in Seattle, Washington, had a policy that refused to serve coffee to mutants who could not pass for human. Blatant bigotry against an entire race gone unnoticed, unmentioned, and unpunished. Sanctioned by community leaders and members alike by their very silence.
We are not silent. We stopped this practice amidst screams and fire. Would that we would not have had to do so in such a manner. Would that you listened, and not made it necessary.
Your leaders try to placate us with human laws designed for our protection, or by throwing us a bone in the form of Supreme Court legislation which classifies us as non-threatening, because this is how humanity would choose to see us. Non-threatened and curtailed. To my fellow mutants who thought this legislation a victory, I ask you to consider how a human law, put into practice by our oppressors, has rendered us a meaningless and powerless race merely by signing a piece of paper. Humanity seeks to control and legislate us. Humans have no business passing any laws that restrict us, of this we all agree. They have no business giving us laws that grant us freedoms we should have by right of birth, either. They have no rights over us, period.
Homo superior is not to be bound by human laws. Once a precedent is set that humanity can use these laws to define us as they choose, how long do you think it will take before they decide that we are, indeed, a threat? Until they use their courts and their laws to send us all to camps? Do not think they are doing these things for the good of mutants. They give us meaningless concessions so that we will be placated, and in the months to come, they will alter their laws and subjugate us while we celebrate the pithy bones of contention they have seen fit to throw us.
Who will those leaders be? Elected from the masses of humanity, where we cannot order coffee because of what we are. Politicians are leaders in their communities. They have money, they have connections.
The Friends of Humanity is criticized as being a hate-group with little following. And yet, they own coffee houses and pass discriminatory laws with no opposition. They launder money in banks who turn a profit on hate. They rent printing presses from greedy men who value the almighty dollar as their new god, and print materials to be handed out exclaiming Death to Muties. They kidnap and torture young mutants for the crime of being born different. They do these things because humans are helping them. They may not be hammering the nail, my brethren, but they are as culpable as those monsters who would torture a six year old girl for the crime of being able to breathe under water. Complacency will be the death of us. We must rise up, and stop them. If the human courts will not do so, then we will protect our own.
My fellow mutants would rather wheedle concessions from those in positions of power than act, would rather give up more freedoms for the sake of their so-called peace. Myself and my Brotherhood will fight. Fellow mutants, I ask that you chose your side wisely. Those who are not with us are against us. There is no other option. In war, there are two sides, and collaboration with the enemy is a serious crime.
When humanity concedes to us our rightful place, the violence will stop. Continue to fight us, and we will fight back with the fire of conviction the likes of which you can only imagine. For despite what the Supreme Court would have you believe, we are a threat. We are dangerous. And we will prevail.
--Erik Magnus Lehnsherr, Magneto, Brotherhood of Mutants
[Erik will likely only respond to Brotherhood members, who a)agree with him, and b)know where he is at the moment. Obvs, as Jean!Mun said, "he's not taking any calls." :-)]
tm prompt,