For hellion-king

Feb 14, 2010 00:46

You: King of Swords
You revel being in authority. You do possess wisdom, but your encounter problems where emotions are concerned.

Covering: Four of Cups
This is the situation around you now.
Emotions within structure. I think this is the only way you can deal with them - if they have an outlet that is approved of by society, perhaps. You are ignoring an opportunity in order to feel safe.

Crossing: The Queen of wands
This is your obstacle.
A woman of complete confidence. Very sexual, very passionate. She is a queen, a woman and not a girl.

Above: Seven of Swords
This is what you are aware of in the situation.
Sexual affairs, cheating. Running away from your problems.

Below: Ace of Pentacles
This is the things you are not aware of, perhaps in your own mind.
Stability. The chance for a new, stable beginning. Home.

Behind: Ace of Swords
This is the past.
Justice. The ability to see Truth.

Before: Six of Pentacles
This is the future.
Harmony and generosity, giving yourself to others. Getting what you need as opposed to what you want.

Self: Nine of Cups
This is how you react to the future.
Finding that which was missing in your life. There is a danger of drinking too much.

House: Two of Swords
These are the people around you.
You cannot look to others to tell you what to do - you must find balance form within.

Ten of Wands
Burden, hard work. You are scared to have to really work for things, as it means you may fail. You prefer the easy way. Perhaps the easy lay.

Final outcome: Seven of Cups
This is how it all turns out.
Ignoring facts, searching for a fantasy of love instead of the real thing.

tarot, hells

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