cartomancy II

Sep 20, 2009 16:38

Querant: King of Cups
You. Fire of Water. Hokhmah. Sensitivity and creativity channeled into profession. Teacher and storyteller.

Covering: Nine of Pentacles
The situation you are in. Self discipline, achievement. Yesod. Look at all you have created, in harmony with the land. Dreams made reality.

Crossing: Ten of Cups
The obstacle. This is an odd one, is it not? Happiness. Joy. Family. Pleasure. Malkuth... If we are going to be kabbalistic here, then it is being removed from perfection. You are farthest from Kether here... perhaps that is hard for you, shaman.

Above: Seven of Wands
Conscious factors in your situation. Victory. Force. Valor. Netzach, which is in the realm of Venus, yes? Conflict with feelings - you must do what you must do, no matter how you feel about it.

Below: Four of wands
Subconscious factors. Chesed - mercy. This is your nature, da? Merciful. This is, I think, where you and I differ, but that is for another time.
This is your home, Mike. This is your husband. This is your heart.

Past: King of Swords
Hokhmah again. Being in authority, making difficult decisions. Judge jury and executioner. Wisdom.

Future: Three of Wands
Binah. Energy manifested. Understanding. Mother of fire and restored unity. Mother fo fire is a good one for you, is it not? hee.

Self: The Sun
Do we really need to explain how you are this? Glory to Foundation.
I think it was Sally who said to me that the Sun can burn. Maybe we should remember that.

House: Eight of Swords
Those around you. Blind. All so blind... and their blindess keeps them from action. Confusuion. But it is also Hod - Glory. After the dynamics of the seven, maybe blindness is the only way to cope.
...that or you and Draco are tying one another up. :P

Hopes/Fears: Ace of Pentacles
Foundation again. Kether. The Magician works so well with this card... that is very perfect for you. Above and Below are connected through the events of our lives. Home.

The Outcome: The Hierophant
And:The Devil

Interesting. The structure of the cards mirror one another, not as much as the Lovers and the Devil of course, but side by side you can see it very clearly. The Hierophant lectures to his students - the devil holds his captives in bondage. Where is the line between teacher and dictator?
The Hierophant is the path of Wisdom to mercy. These are recurring themes in your reading, as they relate to your soul very much. He is also the middle ground between the High Priestess and the Emperor. The channleing of divine power, and also an enforcer of society's rules. Outer teachings.
Occult wisdom is in both cards, of course.

Querant: The Chariot.
You. Victory. Journey. Card seven - there is a world of possibility open to you. You cannot go back, you can only go forward.

Covering: The Wheel of Fortune
The situation you are in. Life as a wheel.Again, so many possibilities. Manifestation, good luck, revolution. One meaning actually is mutation, hahaha! Remember that although everything changes, the hub of a wheel does not move. There IS a constant.

Crossing: Eight of Wands
Haste. You are rushing and it is counterproductive.

Above: The Hanged Man
Conscious factors in your situation. You know what you have to give up, Sally.

Below: Ten of Cups
Subconscious factors. Joy, love, pleasure and family. Look around you.

Past: Ten of wands
Being overburdened, having to put forth all the effort in relationships. Envy.

Future: The Fool
The Fool is both the first and the last card. He travels through all the others, is changed by them, and is still always new. It can also indicate folly - not looking before you leap.

Self: Queen of Cups
This is how you react to your future. Oh, so emotional. But independent - a woman of healing and protection.

House: Three of Pentacles
Those around you. People working together. You have much support.

Hopes/Fears: The Sun
All you want is to be happy. I do not blame you.

The Outcome: Two of Swords
This is so you. There is a woman, blindfolded, holding two heavy swords crossed at shoulder level. Try this. It takes much effort. It is a woman who has done this to herself - she has chosen to not make a choice, to stay inactive, and it is draining.
Look inward, yes, but do not forget action will happen whether you desire it or not.

Querant: Knight of Cups.
You. Drawn to love, but also to your own fascinations. Love is powerful... but it cannot satisfy you totally. You can bring about great change.

Covering: Page of Cups
The situation you are in. Meditation and contemplation. Possibly seduction.

Crossing: Nine of Swords
The obstacle. A journey over water.

Above: The Tower
Conscious factors in your situation. BOOM! Building a life on false modes of thinking, and then having it all come crashing down. Where are we left after we fall, John? What do we do? That is what you have been trying to figure out.

Below: Ten of Cups
Subconscious factors. Ten of Swords. The worst deck in the pack... ruin. Failure. But there is no lower you can sink.

Past: Ten of wands
The Devil. Slavery.

Future: Seven of Swords
Force and courage. There are many against you, but they are beneath you.

Self: Queen of Pentacles
This is how you react to your future. You require healing, time in nature, and mastery of your skills.

House: Four of Swords
Those around you. Rest. Healing. And let things come to you - you do not need to chase them.

Hopes/Fears: The Lovers
Oh, John. You are such a romantic. :P
Trials surmounted. Union. Inspiration. Choice.

The Outcome: Ten of Wands
You have a very heavy burden to carry, John. Whether you continue to do so or cast it aside is YOUR choice.

pyro, tarot, mike, sally

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