I repay.

Jul 29, 2009 23:41

[OOC: Follows this, this, this and this! All muses not my own used/referenced with love/permission.]

Laura Kinney had attacked Sally Blevins.

This in itself was bad enough, but what made it potentially worse was that Sally Blevins was close friends with Illyana Rasputina, who had a reputation about the school for being violent, irrational, and downright spooky. It wasn't exactly surprising then, that a sort of nervous betting pool had formed... Magik VS X23: who would win?

Much to general surprise, Illyana did not rush out to confront Laura after the news of Sally's injury reached her.

The reason for this wasn't actually all that odd. The attack just simply did not seem to fit what Illyana knew of X23's nature. The girl was an animal, a killing machine. Revenge on another teenage girl with whom she actually seemed to get along (as much as Laura could be said to get along with anyone) for no discernible reason? No. Animals attacked if spooked or threatened.

Besides. Someone had planned to do Sally harm. Illyana had seen it in her cards. So she had waited, and now, thanks to Tabitha Smith, she knew who it was:

Dr. Sean Garrison.

Finding him was easy - all she had to do was follow Tabby. And then she merely waited some more, confident that Tabitha would exact her revenge but would, ultimately, leave the doctor alive. Tabitha was at heart a good girl, at least in comparison to Illyana herself. She waited until Tabitha had departed and the doctor had patched himself up as best he could. That was all the time she could allow - the X-Men might arrive any moment, and that would spoil everything.

Garrison was taking a jug of milk back out of the hotel suite's fridge when Illyana stepped halfway out of the shadows.

"Hello, Doctor," the girl said, smiling sweetly.

The man jerked, dropping the jug. Milk burbled and gushed all over the floor tiles. "One of the X-Men already?" he asked, regaining his composure quickly. "Come to take me in?"

"Not precisely," Illyana said, still smiling. She took another step forward, and the cold white light spilling from the half-open fridge gave Garrison a better look at her. The man recoiled a little, and Illyana chuckled, keeping her hands demurely behind her back.

"You believe in the boogeyman?" she asked, stepping closer still.

"You can't--"

Illyana brought her hands out from behind her back, hefting the sword easily.

"I can," she stated, and swung.

Red flowed into white, huge puddles on the floor. Pretty, Illyana reflected before tromping through them.

Garrison's other arm wasn't taken off with the first blow, which was annoying. She shoved the man to the floor, ignoring his gibbering screams, and finished hacking it off at the shoulder. She crouched down, tail protruding from under her skirt and swishing back and forth madly. Steel glinted on her swordarm, as close to her flesh as skin.

"Did not Sally tell you about me?" she asked, grabbing a handful of Garrison's shirt and hauling his face up to hers. "In all your sessions?"

"I-I... you c-can't... MY ARM...!"

Illyana blew hair out of her eyes. Men were such babies. "You tried to kill my best friend," she said. "The X-Men would punish you." She paused, grinning. "I will not. I will... repay. You got someone to do your dirty work for you, da? I have slaves too, you know. Shall we go meet them? Upsy-daisy!"

Illyana hauled the man to his feet. A glimmering disc of light enveloped the two of them, and the good doctor found himself suddenly in the middle of a nightmare landscape of lunatic angles and glaring colours. The witch holding onto him released her grip, cupping her hands around her mouth.

"SUPPERTIME!" Illyana cried out, smiling. Garrison looked and saw what she was calling to and began to scream and scream and scream, trying to do so even when his voice gave out.

"Leave the heads," Illyana instructed, having a seat on a flat stone. She reclined and watched, smiling softly.

It was midnight when she showed up in Julian's room. The witching hour. Naturally.

"Hi," she said simply.

"JESUS, Ill!" Julian said, whirling around. "Don't sneak up on people! Wha-- is that blood?"

Illyana nodded and moved so she was beside Julian's desk. "I brought you something."

She carefully removed Garrison's head from her bag and placed it gently on the desktop, frowning when it fell over. Garrison still looked as if he were screaming.

"You can have it if you want."

She turned and walked out without saying another word, moving quietly down to Tabitha's room. She knocked softly, and after a moment the door opened a crack.

"I have something for you," Illyana whispered to the wide blue eyes looking out at her. Tabitha opened the door a little wider and held out her hand. Illyana dropped the severed member into her palm. Tabitha promptly dropped it to the floor, and Illyana giggled.

"So you know I kept my promise," Illyana said, and turned away into the dark. She paused and then added, "they ate the balls. Sorry."

tabby, ultraviolence, julian, sally, ficlet

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