
Apr 18, 2009 18:09

Single draw.

Tabby: Wheel of Fortune.
Karma's a bitch. What goes around comes around. You can never escape the past. It is an endless cycle, but what is important is you can be transformed from it. There is no escape from past events, but you do not have to be a prisoner.

Sally: Queen of Swords.
Well, well, Little Miss Know-It-All! A need to be objective. Logic cutting through emotion. Without truth, we have nothing. Honesty in thought and in speech. A woman who has seen great sadness, but has not lost her purity of heart.

Julian: Three of pentacles.
You must build a solid foundation upon which your life can stand and now is your chance to do so. Your work has just begun, although you are off to a good start. This card is tied in ways to The Empress, card of life and love and women.

John: Four of Wands. Fire becomes structured, in service and celebration. Home! ...possibly marriage.

Jean-Paul: Ace of Cups. Healing. Pure love.

Doug: The Hierophant. Tradition, kindness, marriage...
ARE you boys getting married?!

I will draw for anyone else who asks.

OOC: Cards drawn at random by the mun. Who is giggling madly at the boys'. O_o

tabby, pyro, doug, tarot, julian, sally, jean-paul

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