
Mar 19, 2009 13:39

I have done some readings lately for other people. One card is repeating all over the place!

It is a difficult card.

What is spiritual justice? You need self-awareness. Do you suppose above the Oracle at Delphi it read 'know the future'? No! 'Know yourself.' You have to know who you are. You have to look at who you are, and what you have done. Honestly and without excuse. More: you have to look inside and ask, "have I stayed true to myself?" To your innermost being.

Justice is not about rules exactly, at least not rules that humans make. Justice is in a column betwen the Emperor and the Moon. The central triad. Between structure and mystery. That is Justice.

Once upon a time, there was an archer. A great warrior. He grew sick of fighting, this archer, and decided he would never kill again. God came down to him and told him he had to fight - this was his moral duty, because it was for fighting he had been created. To go against his true self, that was sin.

This is not solely the Justice of man's court. (Although that too, is there - see, the Emperor.)

Justice is not blind. She looks through you. A card of self examination, a challenge to assess your life and your motives, or the motives of others. It is above the Moon in the central triad, the card of deception and madness.

Know yourself. Stop making excuses. STOP YOUR STUPID SHEEP'S WHINING AND LOOK
So many of you in this card.

The card that follows is the Hanged Man. (Sometimes drowned. Those are pearls that were his eyes. Fear death by water, hahaha!)


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