Ficlet: Prelates

Dec 15, 2008 18:22

This is not where she wanted to be.

“Intruder,” says one of the floating ethereal figures.

“Unclean,” replies the other. The accents are identical, as is the inflection.

“Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.”

Razorblade smile at that. “Exodus. Prepare for the wrath of God, you numb cunt.”

Illyana hoists her sword. “I am shaking,” she deadpans.

The Beaubier twins share one glance, and then they are upon her.

Illyana is slammed one way, then another. Dark sunbursts as one eye is blackened and closed, a sharp snap from her ribs, a flaring pain from her kidneys. Nothing fatal, and she realises with sudden fury that they are playing with her, taking turns with the blows, creating a brutal pattern that's sure to leave her broken and bleeding on the ground before three minutes is up...

Illyana listens to her heartbeat. One... two... Wait for it...


She strikes at the space where, a millisecond ago, there was nothing. The space where Northstar's legs currently are. Or rather, were. Illyana shears them off neatly at the knees, and he topples forward, screaming and STILL clawing at her eyes.


Strong even teeth latch onto Illyana's neck and she shrieks, ducking in an attempt to flip the harpy on her back over. It doesn't quite work, but at lease Aurora stops biting her. Illyana can feel blood soaking her right shoulder from the wound and she howls as she brings an elbow back, trying to smash that pretty face behind her. She misses, but Aurora leaps off her back at last and moves towards her brother. Northstar crawls rapidly, truncated legs spurting blood in steady beats, and he reaches for his sister's hand.

“Pizdets,” Illyana says, and 'ports just as they touch and white light shreds everything in a five mile radius.

[OOC: tm_aurora used withOUT permission. PUT THAT IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT, JM!MUN!]

future, jeanne-marie, ficlet, jean-paul

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