what they do not understand

May 09, 2008 09:59

People talk - it is the way of people - and there are students at Xavier's who know what she's done. That girl? She killed her brother. You see the blonde? She is Colossus' sister, and she's why he isn't here anymore. I heard she sent him to a Hell dimension. I heard she evaporated him. I heard she's a witch and she cut his heart out for a spell. I heard...

Illyana hears what they say, although of course they think she doesn't. It saddens her, to be known this way, when she had always thought in America it would be different. In Siberia, she would pretend sometimes her brother would say, "snowflake, you may come to America with me, and you can help me, because even the best hero in the WORLD needs help sometimes. You are a good girl, Illyana. People will see that."

People do not see that. The boys at the Institute are just as cowardly as the boys in her hometown. The girls are all as two-faced.

She has Sally. She has Todd. Illyana thinks perhaps that is all she needs. Let the others be afraid. She supposes they might actually have good reason.


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