Cliché Suggestions.

Jun 17, 2008 00:23

Welcome to tm_ficfest's first go-around. Hopefully there will never be a pause in the action and we'll be prompting and ficcing all year long. This is only the first of many, many challenges to come. And that challenge is...!

The Cliché Challenge!
They become clichés by having something
fascinating inside of them. Dig that out,
polish it up, make it shine, and revolutionize
the cliché once and for all.

We've all written a fic that was absolutely nothing but a cliché. USE THAT! Comments are screened and I'll be compiling a list. Any and all commonly-used plots (and plot devices) that you have seen over and over again, suggest it! Also, keep in mind that you can take your own prompt or suggestion, so think up some good stuff!

The actual prompt post will be up in a week or so. Also, should you have questions, feel free to ask them here.

!prompt suggestions, cliche

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