If you could take back one thing you said in anger, what would it be and why?

Aug 24, 2005 11:04

As a rule, I don’t belief in censorship after the fact. Not to go all Shakespearean on you, because Will really had a thing for cliché at times, but what’s done is done. And besides, even if there are things I might wish unsaid, such as, for example, my immediate reaction to a certain event in Romania in 1898… I can’t wish some of the results away. Which above all include my son. If I had kept my head in Romania and had gone to the gypsies immediately, not with Spike and Dru but with Angelus, I would have been able to force them to reverse the curse right then and there. (And would have killed the lot anyway, just to make sure this type of curse was well and truly lost, but that is another issue.) Then I very much doubt Connor would ever have existed. No role in apocalyptic prophecies for Angel, either no dusting or no resurrection for yours truly due to lack of interest by Wolfram and Hart, and certainly no miracle child.

You can’t pull out a string of a tapestry and not expect the entire tapestry to unravel. (Not that you’d have ever caught me stitching or weaving after my very early mortal days.) Saying “get away from me” that night caused pain, and not in a fun and enjoyable way. But given the result? Worth it. All worth it.

things said in anger, tm prompt

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