Daily Bugle Headline: Tony Stark Quits SHIELD

Aug 11, 2008 21:03

[OOC: Written with assist from the muns of the other characters mentioned; all characters used with permission.]

Tony Stark Quits S.H.I.E.L.D.
By Kat Farrell, Staff Reporter

An Avengers press briefing took a surprising turn this morning when billionaire industrialist Tony Stark, a.k.a. Iron Man, announced his resignation from his position as director of the Strategic Hazard Intervention, Espionage Logistics Directorate.

The press conference was led by the recently resurfaced Captain America, who announced his return to the New York-based Avengers superhero team, the flagship organization of Stark’s Fifty States Initiative. After reaffirming his dedication to serving and protecting the citizens of the United States, the Captain pledged to make Avengers membership a major part of this service. It was an announcement that would have seemed unbelievable a year ago, when Captain America led an armed rebellion against the Superhuman Registration Act, the Act under which the current Avengers team operates.

But that was far from the most surprising moment of the briefing. After Captain America stepped away from the podium, Tony Stark took the stage, explaining that the Avengers team, which includes such heroic stalwarts as Ms. Marvel and Wonder Man, would continue in its current incarnation, with the addition of Captain America and his former partner the Falcon, also present at the conference.

Then Stark dropped his bombshell: "I am resigning my position as Director of SHIELD, effective immediately."

As the press - and even Stark’s Avengers teammates, standing behind him - gaped in shock, Stark turned from the podium, as though he were finished. A question from this reporter then caused him to turn back and add, by way of explanation, "Let's just say I want to spend more time with my family."

But as the press continued to pepper him with queries, Stark refused to take any more questions, saying that Carol Danvers would be the person to ask about the future of S.H.I.E.L.D.

No one seems quite sure what to make of Stark’s statement. Stark, after all, has no known family; the confirmed bachelor’s famous parents were killed in a car crash when he was only 18, and his only living relative is a cousin, Morgan, with whom he is reportedly estranged. Rumors that Stark’s words are a cover-up for something more sinister have run rampant, as have rumors of illegitimate children that the famous playboy has until now left unacknowledged.

Henry Hellrung, a.k.a. Anthem, leader of California’s Initiative team The Order and a close personal friend of Stark’s, could provide little elucidation on the matter. “Obviously,” said Hellrung, “Director Stark is exercising his famous sense of humor. As usual with Tony, it's a little difficult to tell who the joke is meant to be on."

Whatever the reason, the announcement has certainly shaken S.H.I.E.L.D., an organization that has experienced a great deal of recent turmoil. When asked if S.H.I.E.L.D. had been informed of Stark’s decision before the press conference, deputy director Maria Hill declined to comment.

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