Jun 19, 2008 19:12

[OOC: Directly follows this RP thread. Yes, you’re hearing this correctly - I finally broke free from my inertia, and Cap is ACTUALLY BACK.

iron_tony used with permission.]

Found on the front page of The Daily Bugle:

Captain America Returns!
By Kat Farrell, Staff Reporter

It was the moment the country had been dreaming of for over a year: Steve Rogers, the man known as Captain America, standing in front of television news cameras with his trademark shield held proudly before him. Even without his mask and costume, no one could mistake that shock of blonde hair and the wide smile we’d all come to miss in the fifteen months since his apparent death.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Tony Stark was on hand to answer reporters’ questions at an abandoned military compound in upstate New York, where Rogers reappeared after participating in a pitched battle alongside Stark and Captain America’s former crimefighting partner, the hero known as the Falcon. According to Stark, Rogers’ survival had been a carefully-guarded S.H.I.E.L.D. secret, and the Captain had been placed into Witness Protection Program-style hiding until such time as the villain known as the Red Skull (Captain America’s rival from World War II and the orchestrator of his seeming assassination, also thought dead for some time) could be apprehended.

Now, with the Red Skull in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody in the aftermath of his comeback battle, Captain America can finally reemerge. “I sincerely apologize for any grief and sadness my apparent death brought to the citizens of the United States of America,” Rogers said, in a statement. “The lie was necessary for the protection of the country that I love, and I truly believe that this nation is immeasurably safer with the Red Skull finally behind bars. Nonetheless, I regret the necessity of my secret, and I can only hope that the American people will forgive me for my transgressions, and allow me to serve them once again.”

Indeed, Rogers’ claims have reflected the information S.H.I.E.L.D. has gathered from papers found in the offices of the former military base, which outlined plans for a complete overthrow of the American government and mass brainwashing of the populace. Scores of brainwashing victims, including a number of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, have already been sent to deprogramming facilities in the wake of the battle, their true personalities partially awoken by the battlefield death of the Skull’s ally and orchestrator of mental manipulation, villainous psychiatrist Dr. Faustus. Known Skull allies Sin, Arnim Zola, and the formerly-captive Crossbones remain at large, but Rogers has promised “to hunt them down to the best of [his] ability” to ensure the country’s security.

Some may wonder how Captain America will readjust to public life, particularly in the wake of his last public crusade: his rebellion against the Superhuman Registration Act. But Stark - the leading proponent of the SHRA and Rogers’ bitter rival during the period known colloquially as the Superhero Civil War - seems unconcerned. With an arm thrown casually over the shoulders of his super-soldier friend, Stark defiantly told reporters, “Those fights are a year old. The Act has changed, and Steve and I have buried the hatchet. It’s time to forget the past and move on to the future - a future with Captain America in it.”

The president obviously agrees - his first act, upon hearing of Captain America’s return, was to offer full amnesty for all crimes committed during the rebellion, and Rogers was immediately released from S.H.I.E.L.D. custody. In return, Captain America agreed to sign on with the improved version of the SHRA, officially registering his already-public identity with the government.

When asked how it feels to return to his superheroic duties after over a year of absence, Rogers’ succinct reply echoed the feelings of many. “It’s good to be back,” he said.

It’s good to have you back, Captain.

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