Web-slinging from the future . . .

Jun 10, 2008 17:09

I'm Spider-Man, only not the one you know. See, the Spidey you know is a relatively decent guy who just does what he does to help people in general. I, on the other hand, am not that nice. I didn't even want these powers, but I'm stuck with them, so I'm just doing what I can to keep a step ahead of the people who want me dead. And I occasionally do a good deed or two, emphasis on "occasionally."

And now I'm stuck here, in shiny happy Pastland. Of course, it's only shiny and happy to me, because I'm used to worse where I come from. Trust me, you guys don't know how good you have it.

First journal post

OOC: That's just how he is. He's harsh, sometimes a douche, but when you get down to it, he's a decent guy. He just doesn't like to admit it.

Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you Spider-Man from the year 2099, depicted in the 2099 line of Marvel Comics during the mid-1990s. It's pretty much one of those "dark future" universes, no real heroes and way too many and too powerful bad guys.

As much of a jerkass as he likes to act, he is open to RP and chat. However, he will snark at will.

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