Drabbles Wrap-Up and A Word From Our Sponors

Feb 02, 2009 10:19

First item of business: here are your final points for the Drabble Table challenge. I altered the points just a bit. Each team gets a minimum of 10 points for any member who participates.

Team Tin Man (33 points):
general_nothing: 38 individual points, 23 team points
midnight_burn: 4 individual points, 10 team points

Team Longcoats (250 points):
erinm_4600: 170 individual points, 100 team points*
koslorollo: 138 individual points, 82 team points
uh_oh_shuffle: 98 individual points, 58 team points
amedia: 10 individual points, 10 team points

And it's a blow-out for the Longcoats! *Special congratulations to erinm_4600 for a perfectly completed table! Good job, guys. Big thanks to everyone who participated. Wish we'd had more Tin Men...*shifty eyes at myself*

We've had a great year here at tm_challenge. From the small Color and Quotes challenges to the Grand Prix, to the Drabble Tables, we've had some great times and great participation. I've really appreciated everyone who's helped to see this little brain-child of mine grow its wings.

I've been laboring over the decision to close tm_challenge for some weeks now. It's not been an easy decision, by any stretch of the imagination. However, it's time. So, thank you to everyone who has participated and helped to keep this community on its feet. You guys and gals have really been a pleasure to work with. I'll see you down the Old Road! :)

ETA: OMG, epic!mod-fail today. Apologies for the tally inaccuracies. I *think* they're all right now...

!mod post, !results, ~seasonal challenge 01

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