Author: Farine, aka
koslorolloPrompt Table Style: Connected drabbles to form one continuous story
Title: Through the Last Gate
Type: Tin Man/Keen Eddie crossover
Rating: Teen/PG-13
Pairings: Faintly (and in order of appearance) Rudy/Carol, Cain/Ambrose, Eddie/DG; if you squint it's Cain/DG/Ambrose; substantially blatant Monty/Eddie at the end.
Note: Uses the Thirteen Realms 'Verse o' mine, most notably the world of A Cold Wind Rising and The Particulars of Friendship - because I was lazy and didn't want to think up new names for geographic areas ... Some of the prompts are used unforgivably, heh.
Drabble Team: LONGcoats
Single Drabbles: 49/50
Double Drabbles: 15/30
Triple Drabbles: 7/20
conceit faith humility redemption I plead loop restless squander foreshadow discordance flight elastic attentive conqueror rattled castaway cavort covet sunrise urchin predatory disheveled stalemate
snowflakes yaw ascetic titanic hustle coda taboo dilapidated collusion sickness piety cadence arcane splatter elevate feral rejected smirk delirious abscond sense anathema beguile crash relocate offside upstage twilight bias corrupt leash redemption II compliance mince movement trolley abacus noble overwhelmed gossip scream plunge unexpected noteworthy escape seek find goodbye texture scent sight flavor
memory natural wanted invoke ghost abundance need impoverished masks freckles impression stained readiness respect Author's Choice:
Hot Author's Choice: Cake Author's Choice: Tea Author's Choice: Reflection Author's Choice: Synonym Author's Choice: Newcastle Author's Choice: Apollo Author's Choice: Dishabille Author's Choice: Execrable Author's Choice: Propulsion *
Each drabble is posted as a comment in this entry, and linked by its individual thread.
Read the whole thing! It's good for you! Link to the Leave Comments Here thread. *
What I wound up writing was a Tin Man crossover with a short-lived network television show called Keen Eddie. The episode of Keen Eddie this story follows is "Keeping Up Appearances".
I made a list of characters and a summary of the episode, containing thirty-nine stills, to help you follow along with "Through the Last Gate". Yes, it is definitely more weighted towards Keen Eddie than Tin Man. *limp*
Keen Eddie info from Wikipedia"Keeping Up Appearances" information from IMDB. *
If you have any questions or find something particularly confusing, you can ask!