Prompt: Lyrics to Live By This challenge was inspired by a recent challenge over at
tvrealm, which is, sadly, closing soon. Anyway... for this challenge, take a look at the
Lyrics to Live By Tumblr (you don't need to be a member to view the pages) and let inspiration take you where it will.
Using one of the lyrics found on the above site, create one of the following options:
♥ a fic of 100 words minimum
♥ a set of five (5) icons
♥ a large graphic (banner, header, wallpaper, etc) [
If you are inspired to do more, go for it! Just post it in you own LJ and link to it in your entry, here.
~* Please submit your entry as a new post and add a subject line in the following format: Round 22 - [Title/lyric/icons/username/etc]
~* Please include the lyric you chose, somewhere in your post.
~* Please tag your entry with the .round 22 tag
~* Anything over 100 words/more than five icons/larger graphics should be placed under a cut, or linked to your own LJ
~* Make sure entries are maked with appropriate warnings and ratings (if necessary)
~* Comment to this post with questions.
~* Have fun!
Deadline: When folks get bored...