(no subject)

Jun 30, 2006 11:29


Yeah, that's life there. ANYWAY! I digress. Haven't updated this with any life stories lately....SO! Kim and I are still together(obviously, do you really think I'd be posting if she dumped me? Morans........I'm digressing again), and she's going to her Grandparents' home in Lake George for the next week........feh. I quit Checker's cause it sucked. I got a slightly better job...except now I have to work in the Hot Hot Heat....wait working for a band would be cool...scratch that out. But yeah, I'm doing work for the township now....s'cool. My gandpa got me da job. I start on the 5th of July. Read this cool book recently, "The Underachiever's Manifesto". Really helped me feel better about being a tiny piece of feces on the porcelain toilet bowl that is the world. Showed me how pointless it is to try and stand out cause it'll just attract negative attention. If you want to be an individual, don't show it, you only get flak. Be one in your own house. Overworking is a hazard to the length and quality of one's life. So yeah....how's your lifestyle sucking for you?

Last of all....band. I feel better now but it's still just bull what happened. They combined the low brass sections and shafted me out of section leader. My mom is still POd. I told her to just stop because I didn't want to sink to some peoples' levels. I refuse to let my mother fight my battles, I'll draw my own sword. And now a list because I'm tired of typing

1) Schools done
2) Didn't get my HSPA scores yet...
3) Did good on SATs
4) Graduation sucked, but I'm gonna miss every friend that graduated this year (Ian, Chris, Gene, Spencer, Jack, Leo, Dave, Ian B, Berto, Calka, Ilya, Veniamin, Devon, Odejar, anybody I missed)
5) iPod broke......again
6) Want report cards to hurry their asses off, very curious
7) The show's concept makes me want to rip my eyes out
8) The music is boring

Nuff' said
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