Do your own goddamn work!!!

Apr 14, 2004 18:43

I am soo frustrated with my job right now. Actually, not my job, my boss. I have two owners of my company that I work with, however I work more closely with Kelly as she helps run Myrtle Beach. But for some reason, I get stuck doing all of her work. Such as today, I came in at 1 and the minute I walked in the door, Kelly had a pile of like 4 quotes on her desk and was like "Can you do these for me?" So naturally, I said yes. I spent the afternoon doing all her work, correcting mistakes she had made, and she spent the afternoon goofing off and messing with Jamie (the other owner). I don't understand how she doesn't have time to get her work done, but she has time to basically fuck around all afternoon!!!! And it's not that the work she's giving me is too hard or too much, it's that it's shit she could be doing herself. Now granted, it is HER company so technically she doesn't have to do anything she doesn't feel like doing. But it is incredibly frustrating when she rides me for not getting to some of my tasks when I'm too busy doing HER goddamn work!!!!
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