Long day one and two

Jul 04, 2004 10:24

So yesterday was really long. I woke up at 8:00, and my family was gone. They went to the shop, apparently. Anyway. Got up. Made brownies. Or rather started to, but I didn't have enough vegetable oil. So I turned off the oven and ran to Nugget. And by "ran" I mean "drove." Came back, finished brownies. While I waited for those to cool, I took a shower. Then Steven called, and I headed over to his house to drop off the brownies, and help with whatever else I could.
While there, I helped make ice cream, helped get the pictures playing on a slide show on the TV, helped set up the sound, went to Papa Murphy's for pizzas, came back and made said pizzas, helped arrange furniture, ate said pizza, and went about 60 down Covell to get chairs from the high school before I had to leave. I was so tight on time. It was scary. So we just dumped the chairs on the lawn, and I took off. I still had to go home first, too, to get my gloves. Which I ended up not using once.
Went to work. We cleaned the trailer, top to bottom. Well. We're actually not that smart, we cleaned it bottom to top to bottom. Because we're special. But now we know. Man. Dirt gets in everywhere, it's insane. And whoa the stage is so much brighter now that we cleaned the flourescents off. Crazy. But that was from 3 til 6:20. It was blazing hot, so we opted to take a dinner break, and meet at the park at 8.
Came home. Called Katísh. Showered. Again. Went to my grandparents' house, where my parents were. Turns out Jim and Wanda and the kids were down to pick Kevin up. And they had just enough food left for me to have dinner. So I ate, the bolted. Kevin looks a lot better, by the way. He's walking now, and stuff is healing. And all that.
Back to work. Greg didn't show up until about 8:15 or so. But that was fine. So we set up the stage, and clamped it down and stuff. And that brought us to 10:00. I called Steven back, who had called several times to let me know about potential plans that I may be able to be involved with. And they opted to see Spider-Man 2 instead of Harry Potter, so that meant that I could go. So I met him and Alex down there, and Monica joined us shortly after. Just for the record...Steven's coat is REALLY warm. And we watched the movie. Not bad. And it was quarter to one when it finished. So we turned in the purse that was left in the row behind us, and said goodbye, and headed home. I got home, fell in bed, only got up four times to kill mosquitoes, and fell asleep. Long day. Karlee asked if Steven and I are together.
Work starts at noon today. Today's going to be really long too. Karlee and I are co-stage managing. Which is funny, since neither of us has ever even worked Fourth of July. But it's fine. Oh, by the way. If any of you can get a hold of I think it was Wednesday's Davis Enterprise...on the front page is a picture with fireworks, and the statue of liberty creation...and there are two people lying in the grass. That's me and Laurel. I'm the one with the bandana (surprise, surprise). Second year in a row, we've made the front page. It's great. They used that picture last year too. It's from the year before that.
I get my spiffy badge. It'll be fun.
Well, I bests be off. Got stuff to do before I head to work. Y'all should come visit me. I'll be at the stage by the solar panels all day long.
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