Yesterday was the most painful experience I've ever had in my entire life...EVER...but getting my "leftover-super-infected-tooth" pulled needed to be done...otherwise you wouldn't be reading this right now, and I'm not exagerating.
But before I mention about my painful ordeal I'm gonna start from the very begining...and I mean, the very begining:
I had a fucked up root canal on my back tooth, on the top right-hand side, probably about a few days after my birthday, in 2002 @ Western Dental...I had a really bad tooth ache, and to this very day I kept saying to myself, "I should've listened to my mom...", 'cause she kept telling me that I should get my tooth pulled instead of getting a root canal 'cause they(the dentist) sometimes don't get all the painful root out of your tooth...she was right.
I was stubborn as all hell 'cause I wanted to have "all of my teeth"...that's why I got the root canal done.
As a result, the filling came out about three months later & I was afraid to go back to the I dealt with the 'holy tooth' for awhile...& in time the tooth chipped and broke, but there was still some tooth left inside, but I still had a hole.
So I've dealt with this 'holy tooth' for 4 whole years, and I knew damn well it needed to get pulled before it gets infected, but I kept putting it off...well, I did go to Access Dental, forgot what year(probably in late 2002, around the holidays, when my old car was working), but I didn't like how unprofessional the dentist, the nurse & the staff were...I would think that the dentist and the nurse would look at my x-ray, but instead, almost the whole fucken staff was looking at them like it was some fucked up science project & that shit made me feel very uncomfortable...the dentist was going to pull my tooth, but I refused...not only did I felt uncomfortable, but I was scared to death!!
How did I eat...well, food in 'holy tooth' + anything that's kind of pointy=...yeah, you get the picture.
Sure, it swelled every once in awhile, but the swelling always went away, and I rarely had any pain...until last Thursday...I felt a lil' sharp pain & I took some Motrin & I felt fine.
The next day, when I was spending time with my aunt I felt this sharp pain again, but this time it was pretty damn serious, so I took some Motrin that my aunt had, it didn't work...I took some Motrin at home, it still didn't work, then I took some Vicodin that I had in my medicine cabnet & all together I took over 6 pills, 4 Motrin & 2 Vicodin...the pain went away, but I was afraid that I wouldn't wake up...I damn near overdose...I wouldn't do that shit again!
Saturday came, I took some more Motrin and Vicodin, and the pain went away for a short time, but it came back even worse...I hate the fact that CeCe had to see me in all this pain & she did whatever she could to take away the pain, from putting a cold face cloth on my cheeck know what LOL...but for realz, she did help me with my excruciating pain.
When Sunday came, that's when the pain got even worse & to top it off the damn gum swelled and I couldn't even close my mouth, so I couldn't eat for was so bad that I had to call my aunt & ask if she can get me some she did, and the shit didn't even work...that's when we all realized that I had a really bad infection, so my aunt wasn't going to leave until I get some kind of an appointment was made at Kaiser in Vallejo. My aunt dropped CeCe off, she gave me a kiss on the cheek & we were on our way to the appointment...I was in so much fucken pain that I couldn't help but cry, and let me tell you...all day I was trying to hold back those damn tears, hell, I didn't even want my GF to see me cry.
The Dr. was really fucken good with what he was doing & he wrote a perscription of antibiotics & told me to take two Vicodin & one Motrin every 6 hours. I'm so fucken spoiled, my aunt bought me some apple sauce & tomato soup & I ate the apple sauce so that I can get the antibiotics in my the time I got home I took the pain meds, as perscribed, and the pain went away...and I didn't even have to take 'em every 6 hours, so that was a relief.
Noooow, here comes the painful part of the story...
Yesterday, I woke up hella fucken early in the morning to look for a dentist that can pull the leftover infected tooth out, my aunt was right behind me, also looking for a dentist...I found one in a phone book & had a good hunch about it right away...'cause it said that they accept MEDICAL in bold, red letters...I called my aunt about it, and she was nice enough to make the appointment for was at 12:00 p.m. .
We got there right on time, and I filled out the small paperwork & I was in right away...not knowin' what to expect, I met this really cool dentist and a woman who barely speaks english, but she was very a very motherly sort-of-way :-D . Next thing I know, they were prepping for surgery, and I wound up telling my aunt that it's probably gonna be awhile, so she said that she'll be right back & to call her when it's all over.
I got three words for what I felt when he pulled that infected tooth out...BEYOND EXCRUCIATING PAIN...I didn't feel him cutting it out('cause of the damn novicane shots...yeah, over 5 of them), but pulling it...OMGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD...I don't even want to think about it, but when I do it gives me the muthafucken chillz!!!
I think the pain of him pulling it out was far worse than the pain I was dealing with for the past 4 days...but seconds after he pulled it out he showed it to me, talking about, "that's the tooth and the infection..."...I couldn't believe what I saw...ewwwwwwwwwwwww, I could've died from that fucken infection!!!
After the surgery was finally done...I know...long overfuckendue...I tried to get ahold of my aunt & her ass wouldn't answer her phone, I was in such a fucken panic that I was crying my eyes out...yeah, from the damn shock from that fucken surgery...otherwise I would've kept my cool...but she finally answered her phone after about 6 calls & she said that she didn't even hear it then I already called my grandfather to come pick me up & he was on his way. I did call him & told him that he doesn't have to pick me up, but he came anyway...and we both sat in the car & waited for my aunt. I'm glad my grandfather made it anyway 'cause we waited for my aunt for a good 10 minutes & since I was in such an emotional shocking state I already felt like I was going to pass the fuck out...but like I said, I'm glad my grandfather arrived anyway...I needed to sit down.
I finally calmed down & told my grandfather what happened in the dentist office & then finally, my aunt arrived at the parking lot & I ended up riding with her back home, she went to the grocery store to get some things I can eat for now until my mouth heals.
Why did my mouth healed today(well, sort's still a lil' stiff)?!!! I'm able to shut my mouth all the way, but I can't open it up hella wide, but it's all good, I'm just happy that it's all over.
So there you have it, I don't have to pick on that damn 'holy tooth' anymore when I eat, & as quiet as it kept, I kept saying to myself that once I get that fucker pulled out then I'm going to get braces...once I get it checked next week to make sure that all the infection is out of there & let it heal a lil' bit longer then I'll make plans to get braces...I hate to admit this, but I haven't been taking good care of my teeth & it's about time that I do, but then again, there's a lot of things that I need to take care of, like my weight & getting my hair twisted in dreadlocks(my hair is way too thick to wear either a fro or a hat) LOL :-P ...but they'll be taken care of, TRUST!
The moral & the point of my life lesson story:
I just need to stop putting shit off, even if it's a matter of life or death.
Much Luv