La Jolla Cove

Feb 28, 2009 15:40

After we got our car, we decided to pop by to La Jolla Cove for a visit.

La Jolla Cove or otherwise known as Children's pool was created as a sheltered breakwater area for the children in San Diego to play safely....San Diego shores are sunbaked and has great surf waves...therefore, it is not really safe for the childrens here. Anyway, what happen was that the Seals took fancy of it too... (see my older entry on the place too) and started to sun tan themselves here...making the place not suitable for kids. Also, when there are hordes of them, you can literally smell your way there coz they are really stinky. I remembered I took the bus there when I went for the first visit and on the return trip, I kept smelling myself as my clothes were "marinated" with the "fragrance". =p

Anyway, it was a great day out and the sunset was superb.

We started off early and caught a vintage car exhibition.

Also, we had a flight display!

Albus was pretty happy to go out for some fresh air.

Geraldine had a good time too...and the bird decides to pop into the frame....

With no tripod, the furthest I can reach is about that.

Sunset here is always a sight. Here, you see the lovely colors of the horizon.

We decided to do a family portrait here with the lovely backdrop. (minus Blouie...who would be too stressed out outdoors)


Caught a lovely portrait of Geraldine

Some Cam-whoring

It was getting dark and Albus waves a good night! Note the redness of the skies!


la jolla cove

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