Raymond and Jonathan's visit June-July 2009

Sep 21, 2009 12:19

Raymond flew in from Singapore for a conference in Anaheim (where disneyland is) whilst Jonathan took time off his schedule to fly in from Boston for a very short getaway.

Before that, here is a picture of our proud freezer with all the haagen Daaz ice cream. hahaha

After Raymond's conference ended, we went to pick him up from Anaheim (about 1.3hr away from San Diego where we stay) to our place. Also, we are scheduled to pick up Jonathan on the same day from San Diego airport. So, we still decided to go to California Adventure park disneyland for a day. Bought an Summer pass worth $99 bucks for 3 days worth of fun. Eventually, Geraldine and I did top up for an annual pass as advertised behind her here

Here is proof of us at the place. hahaha Thanks Raymond for the picture, entrance of Disneyland California Adventure Park

Wonderful clouds I was wondering when it was a scorching cloudless day during my drive there???

Geraldine videoflashing (yah, no tapes nowadays, our canon fs-11 has 16gb worth of flash memory and takes SD card for lunch) the fake high painted wall of clouds that merge pretty seamlessly into the skies that day.

We met Goofy, a character that we kept meeting later on (more in the later posts).

Raymond and Goofy having a goofy good time.

Geraldine had fun too

We had a Goofy Hug

One of the exhilarating (pretty scary) ride at the park, Tower of Terror!

Thats evidence the three of us were there! (middle row, right of picture. Me looking dont know where)

Sometimes, its a BUG's life afterall

Wonder how Tower of Terror looks like to a bug

We were transformed into bugs in Its a bugs life.

After that, we went swimming and was caught....hahaha

Pacific Wharf Star Fish

We went for the ferris wheel. and chose the non-scary version (not much rolling around type aka Pirate's boat kind)

Thats Donald's Carriage.

After the ride, whilst waiting for Raymond, who took the rolling carriage.... =p

Raymond must have puked out the IHOP lunch we had and hence craved for a Turkey Leg! (just joking on the puking part)

Recycling is a good merit

That blue monkey was won by me! in a basketball shooting stand. Could have made another shot and got two monkeys...not a difficult game to play for me. haha

Staircase fun

More to update from later. The rest of the the day was spent enjoying rides, watching 3D shows and then rushing back to pick Jonathan at San Diego.

"california adventure park"

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