Jun 29, 2010 16:28
I am dating a boy named Josh. And I like him very much. Today I went to hang out at his house and it was nice. Mostly because he kissed me, a lot. I am perfectly okay with it. But I had to ask him to join our family for the 4th of July festivities. Like when we watch fireworks and all that junk, not that it is really junk I have fun with it every year. The only problem is that he has to meet my dad. And that kind of worries me. Not that my dad is a bad person, it's just that he is my first boyfriend, that my parents know of. And I really like him a lot. I just hope that if he does come with us, and i actually want him to, that my dad isn't too hard on him. And I especially hope that KC (taras boy toy) isn't mean too him. So that is all for now. Peace out!