Title: See Who I Am
Song/Band: See Who I Am - Within Temptation
Characters: Logan/Veronica
Episodes: All of Season 1
Link/Size: (19 MB)
http://www.jason-dohring.com/fanvids/qc_seewhoiam.zip Notes: I’m not even sure how to exactly describe this video. It’s a LoVe video, but with a whole lot of messed up family/angsty stuff thrown in. It’s a bit of a character study of Logan and Veronica as well. I wanted to show that they both have their reasons for putting up walls, but if they’re ever going to have a relationship, they need to look past the surface and try and see life through each other’s eyes.
This video ended up being of epic proportion. If there is an award for most clips used in one video, this would have to be pretty darn close. That being said, feedback is desperately appreciated because I’m not even sure if this video works. I seriously just don’t know. Thanks. :)
*Thanks to Melissa for hosting this vid at her
Jason Dohring Web Site