Title: Anyone But You
Rating: G
Spoilers: Tooms, but not really, as the scene featured is slightly AU.
Pairing: That infamous Mulder/Scully UST.
Word Count: 159
Summary: Mulder contemplates Scully in the aftermath of a loaded conversation.
Disclaimer: Mulder and Scully belong to Chris Carter and 1013 Productions. I'm simply taking them out for a little test-drive.
A Note: Written for the AU Challenge at the incredibly awesome
xf_drabble. Basically, the premise of the challenge was to change just one event, any event, and write about it. I chose the stakeout scene in Tooms, and I ask you, what if it had been iced tea?
"If there's an iced tea in that bag, it could be love." I tease her, brushing off the uncomfortable truth of her admission the only way I knew how.
Scully smiled a little at that, almost relieved that I hadn't acknowledged the gravity of what she just said, and pulled a can out of the bag sitting on her lap, tossing it to me.
"Must be fate Mulder."
Huh. I caught the can of iced tea and smiled wryly at my partner, watching her fight a losing battle against the upturned corners of her mouth, and ducking her head slightly. I watched her hair obscure part of her face from view, and wondered if she knew how endearing that gesture was.
Anyone but you. I mused about that later, lying on the couch in those bleary moments between sleep and wakefulness. All things considered, I guess it'd be pretty easy to fall in love with a woman like Scully.
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