Mar 05, 2009 14:25
In my new job, I get to look at books; sometimes hundreds of 'em in a day. "Oh please Br'er Fox, don't throw me in dat briar patch!" ::grin:: However, it does get me kinda punchy. So here, for your perusal, are some titles which caught my attention and what my punchy little brain made of them, without, of course, benefit of knowing very much about them at all. ::grin::
"Concise Pali-English Dictionary" Good. 'Cause there's nothing worse than a VERBOSE dictionary! :-\
"A handbook of the mosquitoes of the Southeastern United States" My preferences are usually "flat" and "flatter".
"A concordance of the names in the Cola inscriptions" Of course, nothing to do with Coke or Pepsi.
"The Sikhs of Vancouver" Vancouver? Not where I usually expect to find Sikhs...
"Rush Hour of the Gods" umm...
"The Position of Hindus Under The Delhi Sultanate", okay, well, the mind goes odd places AND THEN I GET "Bondage and Freedom"! Spit-take!
"Confucian Personalities" apparently not an oxymoron, but seems odd anyway.
"Sanatana Dharma" For a minute, I thought Carlos really had something to tell us.
"Fifty Useful Americans" Cool! I didn't know there were any!
"Bimbamana of Gautamiyasastra" Is that like, bimbas falling from the sky? ::grin::
workin' liek a mad workin' thng