Feb 08, 2007 15:44
You know, as much as I loved my photographers, their organization is total crap. Basically back in October I told them I needed a parent album. They told me it would be 450 including shipping to Milan and that they would have it to me by Nov 18 bc I was leaving for NY on Nov 19. Well Nov 15 rolled around and I still hadn't heard from them so I called them back. They told me that it would not be ready so they would just ship it to NY themselves. Fine. Less for me to carry.
December rolls around and I call about the album. Still not ready but the prints are done. They just need to be bound. Fine. I asked them to send the negatives to me in Milan. Never got a package.
Today I finally get a call from the head photographer saying everything is ready to be sent out - Can I please wire transfer 900 euro to them?
So I told him the email said 450 and that he agreed to 400 on the phone when I said 450 was a lot. He said he didn't really remember what he said but he would check. I was at school teaching so I could not forward him the email. After my lesson he called me back and said that I was right, the email said 450 including shipping. But then he said there was this "problem" bc when the original email was written, they thought I would be buying 2 albums. Also, they thought they would be shipping to Milan, not NY (shipping to Milan is like 20-30 euro, shipping to NY is 120 euro). Also, they had a storage box made for the parent album even though the original estimate was without the storage box.
So now I am thinking "How is this my problem?" Anyway, so I asked him if the email that said "450 euro without the storage box" meant I was supposed to assume that I had to add the cost of the storage box or that it simply did not come with the storage box. He said it was the latter, but that when he sent the photos to be bound, he ordered the storage box, not remembering what I had specified (or not). So now they did not know what to do... bc the storage box apparently had to be handmade and cost them shitloads of money. Apparently the album is a weird size and the book binder does not normally have storage boxes for them so he hand tooled one. Again, how is this my problem?
So in the interest of not arguing, I now have to send them 500 euro for the friggin' parent album with the storage box that they are sending to Milan, not NY, which means I have to lug it with me next time I go back (in the summer). I also told them, did not ask them, that they were to give me a hefty discount the first time I bring them a client.