Adventures with someone I care about, complete with happy and smiles and real hugs
Seeing plans come to fruition
Big bright beautiful full moons
The excitement that shows in someone's voice/text when they are looking forward to something good/happy
This song: (changing it from the embed to make copying to future days' lists easier)
Motivation - the "Dumping Debt" lesson at FPU last night was REALLY good.
Indian Summer
Lights in my tack room... especially now after the stupid time change. great on sore, well, everything!
Horses. Attended the MVH Blessing of the Hounds today and while there were a few "twitchy" moments, the horses made it worth it. Spot was wonderful for his first time hunting -- the sore muscles will be MORE than worth it.
Bad movies with good company. The company kinda makes up for the movie. LOL
Driving a big diesel truck. I've missed it. Thanks Jen!
Freshly mowed lawn -- smells good and looks nice
Chai chocolate
Reilly playing with his new toy, a stuffed squeaky moose
Payday - even though paying bills takes most of it
being able to help
friends who make you laugh and remind you who you are and love you for it (anyway)
Deer - when they're not jumping out in front of your car at dusk/dawn
FPU - I think this is going to be one of those things I will be grateful for a long time to have spent the time/money on