Backyard garden inventory

Jan 06, 2013 21:11

Things we harvested today:
- The last of the figs. Most were green, but the tree has dropped all of its leaves and we figured that it was going into its winter dormancy. I'll try to see if I can ripen them on the counter.
- The first of the carrots. They're growing straight! All of the soil amendments that we added seem to be paying off. I've thinned the row so the remaining ones can grow into monsters.
- Four types of peppers. The jalapeno and fresno chiles were dead; the serrano is frost-bitten a bit but still has at least a hundred peppers still ripening on it. The chiltepin is just starting to turn a bit yellow but is being enormously productive.
- One sad zucchini and one sad butternut squash. I knew it was a gamble to plant so late. They just can't take this cold weather. I'll try again in mid February.
- One medium-sized pomegranate from a tree that we planted this year. Considering that we weren't expecting any fruit this season, I'm pretty excited. Our dwarf pomegranate finally seems to be producing as well. Looking forward to the next season's harvest.
- Two delicious sugar snap peas. These plants are huge and will hopefully be bountiful in the coming weeks.

Things we didn't harvest today but are ready to eat:
- The greens - kale, arugula, spinach, lettuce, chard, bok choy. All but the chard are growing like mad.  I'm glad that we only have two little chard plants this year - I couldn't eat another bite of chard for months after last spring's insane harvest at the community garden.
- The herbs - chives, cilantro, mint, rosemary, basil. Basil's on its way out, but the cilantro is growing out of control.  I'm really excited that I haven't killed the mint yet - I know it's invasive in most other gardens, but I've killed at least half a dozen plants in the past.
- Eggplant. The plants are going the way of the zucchini, but I'm okay with it. It turns out that I like the idea of Italian eggplant more than I actually feel like cooking it. It's been popular with friends, fortunately. Maybe do some baba ghanoush with the cilantro this weekend?

Other things that are planted in the main garden but aren't ready to harvest just yet:
- Leeks
- Artichokes
- Onions
- Parsnips
- Broccoli (but when it does start to produce, I will be begging people to take it as we planted way too much)
- Cauliflower
- Brussels sprouts
- Kohlrabi
- Litchi tomatoes (sort of tastes like a cross between sour cherries and a tomatoes)
- Regular tomatoes (if they survive this cold snap)

gardening, my life, food

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