First day of 2012

Jan 01, 2012 16:41

Woke up this morning to two purring cats snuggled on either side of me. Brandon had just left for the annual bike gathering at Tortilla Flat, so I grabbed my laptop and curled back up under the blankets with the cats to do some "first of the year" planning. Chiefly, I updated my SparkPeople account and re-set my Mint budgets. Goals for weight loss, nutrition, budgeting, and saving for a trip have been set - I just need to put together my master list of 2012 goals.

After I got all of my online things in order, I drove down to the community garden. The zucchini plants are, amazingly, frost-damaged but still putting out fruit - I harvested about four medium-sized zucchini and noticed several blossoms, so we'll probably be getting fruit for several more months with any luck. Green beans are just about done, but I was still able to pull about 20 beans off of the remaining plants. Tomatoes are looking good, but completely taking over one section of the plot - I'll need to cage at least one more plant before it overwhelms us any further. The best part of harvesting was the sugar snap peas - they were so delicious-looking that I snacked on most of the pods before I even made it out of the garden.

The bok choy, swiss chard, lettuces, and cabbage are all extremely bountiful, to the point where we can't keep up with the supply. When a gardener from another plot came over to compliment me on the garden, I offered up some of the bok choy and chinese cabbage. She gave me turnips from her garden in return. Turnip greens, as it turns out, are pretty tasty, especially mixed in with rice and black-eyed peas.

I'll have a couple hours of veggie processing to do this evening, but I plan to make eating more veggies one of my 2012 goals. (Hopefully, this goal will help me towards my "lose 12 pounds by April" goal.)

House is clean, gardens are tended, finances in order, goals set (unofficially), and nutrition tracked. Once we've hit the gym this evening, I'll call this a pretty successful first day of 2012.

goals, the first day of the rest of my life, finances, last days, gardening, money, food

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