004 - Audio

Dec 22, 2009 23:14

[Blurr hasn't been avoiding people. Nope, not at all. ... Actually, for the most part, he hasn't; he's been distracted trying to look over the ship from top to bottom and familiarize himself with everything. He hasn't lost track of time -- he's practically incapable of it -- but being stuck on board this ship for Primus knows how long with no reason and no goals means that the amount of time he's keeping away from others doesn't seem important to him.

He's been reading, just not talking. And he ignores all the talk of "Christmas," deciding it's unimportant for now, and focuses on something that's starting to bug him! If you're listening, you might be able to hear the VERY fast-paced metallic noise of him tapping his foot at way too many miles per hour.]

How long does it take to set up the details of forming something of a truce when all those interested in attending are accounted for and seem willing to discuss the details as soon as it's at all possible? It can't be too terribly hard to find an appropriate location, and while obviously most of us wouldn't enjoy speaking with everyone else involved unless absolutely necessary, if it means we're able to actually schedule --

[And suddenly, NOW there's a squirting noise. And no pinging noise of water hitting metal, either. Based on the sudden sputtering, this is not because Blurr dodged.]

-- what was that all about?! That was completely uncalled for, I was in the middle of speaking!!

impatient bot is impatient, pax cybertronia, dnw, !old game, what the slag

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