Sep 16, 2006 11:40
And once more I purge the (not-so)great cleansliness that is LJ.
Too bad I can't do the same with my mind. Just for one day, to get rid of the head-ache at the top of my head which reminds me that I am in fact thinking about something in greater detail then normal, to get rid of the naging muscles, the urge to just yell and scream at all that get in my way. That's funny actually, if I start with the latter, the former ones will start to cycle themselves untill I start working my self up into a frienzy. Great, anger issues, just what I need. Actually, what I do need is a new set of better manners. 2.0 for use around friends and family. Other social events I can handle. But not leashing out on Artur and Mike has become a big problem. Don't get me wrong, I try to keep it down, but really, all I get accomplished is some more bottled up rage and that's not very helpful, now is it?
So, now what? Keep appologizing and failing time and time again when I try to make it up? Sigh.