(no subject)

Feb 25, 2004 19:25

i guess i should relay a few of the events i have both partaken in and witnessed through the duration of the past few days:

I attended the most amazing feild trip ever on tuesday. I attended a political forum at Krop and ended up learned and debating with some of the most interesting people i have met. a woman from the RNC represented Bush, and campaign reps. for Edwards, Kerry, and Kucinich all spoke and responded to questions posed by the 400 Miami Dade Public school students there. Eva ended up on ABC being interviewed and Alex stopped everyone dead in the tracks with her anti-republican battles. and we even somehow being in priority seating in the front row, gotta love MAST.

softball is progressing slightly slower than expectations had granted. tomorrow at miami shores should indeed be interesting.

i started my research on john stuart mill. i suggest everyone take some time and learn about this guy.
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