Oct 02, 2005 00:45
Too much fun. Far too much wine. Good people, parties, poker, and a date to play tennis tomorrow. All in all, a night that I really needed. And imagine this, I didn't even want to go. I've said it a million times already but... thank god for my roommates. When I say no, they say, "Uhh, no, you're going." I seriously couldn't ask for better people to live with. They keep me living, they watch out for me... just wonderful people.
I have so much more to write but for now, that will suffice. I have to wake up at the crack of dawn again to take care of the dog. Said dog has crapped in the house 14 times in 2 days. I'm certainly not looking forward to tomorrow morning. I'm certain to have at least 4-5 piles of crap to pick up. Fun, fun.
Ok, I think I need to sleep. The wine hit me 30 minutes ago and I am barely able to type, let alone type coherently. Off I go to rest for my tennis match tomorrow. I have a feeling that the wine, combined with the lack of sleep I'll get, will contribute to me losing miserably. But no matter, we could all use a good beating every now and again.
So to the universe I say, thank you for bringing me a night that I so desperately needed. Even though you've thrown me a lot of shit lately, I still think it all happens for a reason. Feel free to reveal the reason any day now. Seriously.