Mar 30, 2017 13:34
I recently moved home - where I am living is great and was secured by noticing a Facebook post form Multiclassgeek whose parents were looking for someone to rent his parents' rental property. The place is lovely but the move nearly broke me. Actually, it did - several times!
It took two days and a fair bit of time and now I am in my new place everything is in boxes. I need to look through the boxes to find important things and at one point had to move around what is in my room because I kept catching my toes / heels on just about everything in my room. There was screaming and a fair bit of pain and loads of damage to my feet. Now things have been moved around I hope to minimise this a great deal.
The longer journey to work seems to be helping tone my legs and also seems to be helping my health. I keep being late into work as my health is trying its best to settle down but I do make up the hours. It would be wrong not to!