I'm drunk

Nov 22, 2005 23:17

Okay, okay ... tipsy. But you know what? I saw a friend of mine from one of my classes tonight after Dana's recital, and he reminded me that the weekend counts as one day (or so our professor has decreed). So if I turn in something Monday rather than tomorrow, I'll barely be docked down for it. And I'm in college - how often am I going to be surrounded by friends? So after Dana's piano recital (which was quite fun) tonight, I went to NPCC with her mom and our friends and had a fantastic time. My history assignment will be a day late, and you know what? I'm better than okay with that - I think it's fantastic! I've been too damned stressed out this semester and deserve to have a little fun!

I am so glad that it is officially Thanksgiving Break now! I get to wear legwarmers in a fashion show tomorrow, and I think the last time I wore legwarmers I was 10 and had them on at ballet or something, so it will be just fun. Also, I get to wear detached sleeves again, and I quite liked those. Thursday and Friday I will be in Oregon celebrating with my family (I haven't seen my brother since September!). Saturday I will be in Leavenworth at the Christkindlmarkt with Andy! Sunday I'll be back to the grindstone, but until then, I have days on end in which to enjoy myself and I'm over the moon about it!
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