Nov 12, 2005 23:42
Get this, there has been a group of kids who keep calling my house and "prank calling" so tonight i answered and was in a cheery mood and was up for it. this is how the first conversation went...
they called and started laughing... and then they announced that they were prank calling me.
I told them to take a deep breath and try again, so they did.
when they called the second time, the kid said his first line then cracked up again.
I told him third time is the charm and to give it one more shot for kicks and giggles.
he called back for the third time (not quite the final time though) and said I will win $50,000 if i answer his question. being a prank call it was obviously inappropriate... and i answered it correctly. w00t.
during the last call, i told my mom to listen, and she was falling over in laughter when they called back a 4th time to tell me that im cool and they are going to put me on their friends list. so they asked me what my name was, so i gave it to them, and they added me to their cell phone. i asked if they went to shorewood, and if they were sophomores, turns out they are freshmen, and do go to shorewood. so i told them that i was a senior there. so now they are going to gimme a call, and try to bump into me sometime.