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May 31, 2006 18:53

Today was my last day with my 5th and 6th hr seniors, and tomorrow I'll bid farewell to my 3rd hour. I honestly didn't think i'd be too sad to see them go, but as they walked in for the last time I got sad. I wrote them all a letter and gave them the 11 Things I know for sure advice on life, and when I went to read it, I couldn't. I was choking up. It seems silly, I know, but these kids are going to be the ones i'm going to remember for the rest of my teaching career because they were my first group of kids. We took a class picture, which i'm going to get blown up into an 8x10 and hang on my wall. I knew I'd touch lives as a teacher, but I never thought they'd touch mine the way they did. Here's what I gave to them.

10 Things I Know for Sure:
Sage Advice on Life from your Wise, Not so Old English Teacher

1. Shakespeare said it best: “This above all, to thine own self be true.” Remember to always trust yourself and your instincts. Be true to who you are and who you want to be in life.
2. Your Attitude is Everything. In many cases, the only thing you can control is your own attitude and how you approach the situation. Having a positive attitude toward situations will not only brighten your life, but brighten the lives of others.
3. Make your life extraordinary. Follow your heart; do what makes you happy, not what someone else wants you to do or what will make someone else happy. You’re the only person you have to live with for the rest of your life. Your choices should be influenced by that fact.
4. Cherish every moment, and hold on to all your memories, but at the same time, move on from the moment. Know that the next great thing is probably around the corner, and you might not find it if you’re too busy living in the past.
5. Make every effort to keep in touch with old friends. People come and go and with our fast paced lives, it is easy to let the bonds of friendship fizzle. Call, email, write, but most of all, keep in touch with people who are important to you. It’s so easy to just let them slip away…
6. There will be difficult and trying times in your future. Remember what you’ve overcome in your past to help you to get past it. Look inward to all the strengths you already have inside of you. If you couldn’t handle it, it wouldn’t be in front of you. At the same time, don’t be afraid to ask for help.
7. Seek advice from your parents and elders. Chances are, they remember what it was like to be in your shoes not too long ago. Respectfully listen to their advice, and do what you think is best for you.
8. Make an effort to do three things each day: thank someone, make someone smile, and do a good deed. If you live your life following this idea, you’ll not only make a small impact on others, but you’ll also live a fuller and happier life.
9. Look to each day as a fresh start. Embrace the possibilities in front of you, and seize every opportunity you have. Carpe Diem.
10. Robert Frost once said: “In three words, I can sum up everything I’ve learned in life: it goes on.” Interpret this quote as you will: as a testament to the swift passing of time and the importance to hold on to the moments as they pass us by, or as an understanding that what ever we may face in front of us, be it good or bad, will recede into the memory of the past. Either way, grab the time you have, savor every second, and LIVE YOUR LIFE.
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