As usual, nothing to report on the war in Iraq. Shit's still quiet as can be on my end, and I will continue to say that this is a very good thing indeed. Earlier today when I logged into MySpace I found a
video that I'd been searching for ever since I saw it in Kuwait. It's pretty damn funny, but has no real relation to the war in Iraq, it's just good for the humour. No real updates regarding World of Warcraft either, the internet here on Union III hasn't been good enough (or working at all!) most of the week for me to work on my Hunter or Warrior at all. Destraa's currently stuck at Sargeras trying to hunt Satyr's (Level 37 currently) while my Warrior's hiding out in the Crossroads doing nothing (Level 13 currently).
Anyway, take it easy y'all! Love my wife-to-be, Candice. <3
Oh and one more thing, I got myself a ring recently for an engagement band through one of my interpreters. Yes, it's real silver, and can be viewed behind the