Slow Day

Sep 01, 2004 13:14

Not much going on today, training the new girl so I basicaly have her running around doing all the time consuming easy things, while I answer the phone, and do the more skilled tasks. Vinney is in meetings all day with the managers trying to figure out the 30 new hires are going to go / do, sense they are all coming in on monday. Note to self, monday is going to suck. Lets see recent happenings..

Got paid on friday, it felt sooo good. The day was fantastic. Cyndy's phill got home, so she is happy. I have been leeching the benefits of a happy Cyndy. Frank came over and we went to nidias for a while....supposidly some big party. met a few people I had been meaning to. Notable mention goes to Nidias best female freind nichole. Probably the most attractive feminine girly type I have run into in a long while. It was odd, knowing each others massive reputations from nidia kind of made it a daunting task to talk to one anouther. Kind of just smiled and nodded and left it at that. She emailed me the next day and appologised for it being weird, she said she was just drunk and didn't want to make a bad impression, and wanted anouther chance sense she fucked up the first impression. guess I forget how high some people hold me in their freindship levels. Its odd having a reputation itmidate some one known to be so confident in the world. *shrugs* Been a while :D

Saturday went to lunch with cyndy, and then headed over to franks and helped him move. For this effort he gave me his old machine, 1.3 Ghz, with a GeForce 4800 Ti 128M 8xAGP card. By the time I got done with moving his stuff i was to tired to do much else, might of stayed and tried to play with rachael, but I was tired and icky so i just went home instead, after getting frank dinner of course.

Went to Orson Scott Card's book signing with cyndy, that man has presences hehe. After that we got Steak and Shrimp for lunch, and then caught Garden State. Its a really decent moive, genuinely funny. Not like slapstick humour that most movies put out, but real laughter. I totaly reccoment the movie to every one.

Got Dinner with cyndy on monday was overly pleasant. The full moon was gorgous, if it was accented with a sky full of stars it would have been breath taking. *sighs* I miss the stars. I will probably take the next opertunity to go to big bear with my sister and her husband. Although its weird going up with a couple when alone, cyndy really is the only one of my freinds I would dare allow to spend any amount of time with my sister, and she has given me a standing no to all such occastions.

talked to StarBaby !!! Wholy shit shes back. Missed that girl. we talked for a while and it was very good. Both told our heart wrenching stories, and then laughed prefusely at the melodrama of it all. Really missed that, have to put phone cards back on my budget. *nods*

Worked on my system for most of the last night, finally figured out that I had 3 sticks of bad ram, which sucks, but atleast now I have a very nice running machine even if only on 196Megs of PC100. remind me to swap the image over to the 10 gig drive. Finished installing drivers and will be mucking around Homeworld 2 this evening for atleast a little while. Well, that is of course only if nothing in the real world distracts me, which I hope it does, but doubt it will : \

Guess thats all for now

Recap -
Cyndy R Good
StarBaby R Good
Life R Good
Any questions?
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