DCBB Art Masterpost: Anywhere On This Road

Oct 01, 2015 14:27

Title: Anywhere on This Road
Author: MollyC (tumblr/livejournal/AO3)
Artist: TKodami (tumblr/livejournal/AO3)
Fandom/Genre: SPN/Tragedy
Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~22,000
Art Warnings: Endverse, MCD, unrealistic foliage

Summary: When the angels left, in the wake of Sam saying yes to Lucifer, they crippled Castiel and eventually he died of it. Now Jimmy Novak is living in Camp Chitaqua and trying to stay human in the face of Dean, who is all about the mission and moreso every day. But then the Colt is found and past-Dean shows up, and they go after Lucifer...and everyone knows they're not coming back.
Artist Squee: I think it comes as a surprise to nobody that I am moderately in love with the Endverse. For this year's DCBB, I got to work with MollyC on Anywhere On This Road, which should hold a record for bleakest Endverse fic I've ever had the pleasure to read. Molly (thankfully) put up with the load of ridiculous life-fails I had this month; and in return I painted for her something that I never thought I would. So strap in for some depressing artwork!!

Poster inspired by this gorgeous piece of americana


End of Road, a broken part of the Winchester soul


A New Paradise, a pieta

And if you are a fan of Endverse in general, dystopias, or general bleakness and tragedy, you will find something to love in this fic. And thank you so much Molly for letting me tag along on this ride. <3

[Read it on AO3]

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