Dec 04, 2005 15:04
i did this survery a couple of years ago. i wanna do it again and then compare my answers.
* Name: Anthony
* Nicknames: Ant, Tony, AJ
* Birth Date: August 6, 1986
* Age: 19
* School: WNEC
* Location: Springfield, MA
* Color of eyes: brown
* Hair: brown
* Height: 5' 8"
* Shoe Size: 10
* Brothers/Sisters: Angela, 17
* When's your bedtime?: depends on when i have to wake up the next day
---------------HAVE YOU EVER---------
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: ive been bad, but not that bad
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: nope
* Been in a car accident: nope
* Been hurt emotionally: many times
* Kept a secret from everyone: absolutely
* Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?: i would never do that
* Been in love?: not really
* Told someone you love them and not mean it?: yeah but i fixed it
* Had an imaginary friend: no i wish i had though when i was little...that woulda been cool
* Had a crush on a teacher: yep
* Ever thought an animated character was cute?:
* Been on stage: sure have
* Cut your hair: yep
* Been sarcastic: oh never....
------------ROUTINES (DO YOU...)-----------
* Shower every day: try to
* Brush your teeth every day?: yep
* Snore: i dunno lol
* Like to talk to people before you go to bed?: occasionally
* Share a room with someone?: just in college
* Like spending time with people?: sure
------------------RIGHT NOW---------
* What im wearing?: jeans, sweater, sneakers
* I'm feeling: pretty optimistic and hungry
* Eating: chicken and mashed potatoes are on the stove
* Drinking: nothin
* Thinking bout: what i have to do today for hw
* Listening to: grandpa watching the cincinatti/pittsburgh game
* Talking to: no one
* Watching: the afforementioned game
* Cut a single class: yep
* Skipped school: at wnec
* Had premarital sex: oh yeah
* Gotten someone pregnant: ugh..they had to put this one in here
* Killed someone: never
---------IN THE LAST 24 HRS--------
* Cried: nope
* Worn a skirt: nope
* Met someone: yep
* Done laundry: last nite
* Drove a car: few hours ago
---------DO YOU BELIEVE IN-------
* Yourself: its cyclical
* Your friends: try to
* Santa Claus: not anymore :-(
* Destiny/Fate: not sure
* Angels: maybe
* Ghosts: def not
------FRIENDS AND LIFE--------
* Do you have a girlfriend?: not now
* Who have u known the longest of your friends?: Kev
* If you could change anything about your past what would it be?: almost everything
* When do you cry the most?: i dont cry much but i get overwhelmed i will
* What's the best feeling in the world: feeling like you have a relevant life and others want you just one week of classes left! im gonna go start the last of my hw and finish grading.