Jan 06, 2006 01:44
almost caught up
31st - no idea what i was doing or where i was going until mad late. ended up at parshvas bringing in the new year. scott was gay and didn't come so i didn't have a partner but nick filled in and i had to drink for him cause he was driving. i decided i'll be the dd if anyone needs it from now on... designated drinker. well first we started by just beating everyone in casual games and then a tournament started. we were doing great as a team but lost in the finals. ashley made about 8 cups until i found her weakness... all i had to do was flash her and she started missing shots. haha
oh and one of the guys there looks EXACTLY like carnaroli, a buddy of mine from westconn. i have the pictures to prove it and it was so unreal. he even acted like carnaroli too. it was crazy.
so yea, the kararoke was there too and it was fun again. i once again got high score working with tasha, 98. we sang for hours until my voice hurt. it was a lot of fun.
parshvas parents kept acting up though. they would call and be like "hm don't think we're gonna spend the night here, i think we're coming home soon." and then they called with some shit like "we just left the party" "but i thought you were staying at the party" "hm i'll think about it" and meanwhile i am telling him "no that's bs, they already left the party, they're coming here lets clean up."
1st - newyears! it really seemed like everyone had a real shitty 2005 cause everyone i talked to said something along the lines of "yea dude 2005 sucked balls, yay for the new year!" i agree with them. some resolutions i got were to stop drinking soda (already toyed with it. i can do it easy), probably want to workout/exercise more but who doesn't, i also really want to have an actual band. my entire life i've been in so many bands and none of them really work out and you know what, i realized that it's ALWAYS the drummer. either he's a dick or he just isn't interested or we can't find one, but it's always the drummer. crazy asses. i want to write more and i want to actually get a band or three going. cover, originals, cafe shops, whatever. there are probably more that i can't think of but those are the main ones, especially the soda thing. i'm hoping that if i give up soda it wont matter as much if i drink alcohol all the time.
2nd - pretty sure i took sunday off and monday mike t had three of his college buddies down so it was drinking at his house. they bought a sheet of wood for the sole purpose of playing pong on it that night. awesome. i was once again the dd (designated drinker) for a different nick who can't drink beer for some weird reason. but you know that he was drinking.... MOUNT GAY! yea i'm not even joking, there is a rum called mount gay. we did alright and won a few games but got off the table relatively quickly. then i played with one of mike t's college friends and she was pretty good. i don't think we lost a game at all but we didn't play too many. the other friend didn't talk at all and wouldn't play pong. i'll just assume she was cool all the same. so around midnight everyone started passing out which was crazy. i was good for another 4 hours of drinking at least.
3rd - not such a great day. don't remember doing much except going to mike ts to play timesplitters and something else. it was fun it had been awhile and i hate sitting around and doing nothing. haaaaaaaate it. we went to mcdonalds and saw noel, curtis obrian and marc debore. not much else i guess.
4th - dads birthday. woke up mad late and did birthday stuff. i couldn't go to the trashers game and hang out with western people though. =\ that was a huge bummer but my brother had a great idea. we could have a game of our own. let me try to remember how he described it "so we start with the national anthem which is a jager bomb. then we go into the first half: 9 beers each to kill an 18 rack. then we take a very short half time. to kick off the second half we again do another yager bomb and much like the first half, we drink another 9 beers to kill another 18." suicide. i told him it was a horrible idea... but of course we did it.
we sat down with those beers and just drank. there was one 3 minute song on repeat, no other distractions and we just drank for hours. let me tell you, just sitting down with a good drinking buddy and just drinking beer is lost pasttime. i mean sure, you'll hang out with drink but there's always gotta be a movie or a tv show or someone is at their computer or something. no. i strongly advise people to just take a day and sit down at 10pm and drink til 4am. i think we played a few hands of texashold em for drinks, but not much at all. i couldn't even believe that 6 hours went by. in the end, i was ontop and i think i was one short of the goal but i stopped after he did with 3 to go. it was a race, but the idea was really to just do it and it was a bad enough idea in the first place that finishing alone just didn't seem good.
oh wait i remember, i played the drunkest dr mario ever. that didn't come til mad late though, it's actually what killed the night. you guys want hard? try playing dr mario COCKED. i don't think we played for too long though.
5th - holy crap this is today finally. been hung over all day. you can imagine. woke up around 3pm to a ringtone i haven't heard in awhile... 7 times last week (mark basso). i went over to help him restring a guitar and then me him and zach jammed out like good ole times. his parents were seriously impressed at our playing. i think they were just being nice but it still felt good. i also saw a tape of them playing on tv!!! it was pretty funny and crazy to think they played on tv even though it was just the school's network... still crazy!
went to mike ts to play timesplitters foreeeeeeeeeeever and had some great laughs again. that game is crazy addicting.
-ha finally done updating!
-not feeling great at all. i can't seem to get anything where i want it. i really just have no idea what to do about anything.
-norwalk hasn't been too bad but there has been a lot going on and i know that's going to change now. i love my norwalk friends but i have more fun at school. there's just more to do and its easier to hang out with someone since you all live in a hallway together.
-have no idea what i'm going to do for fun in the coming weeks. but i hope i can find stuff. if anyone reading this wants to hang out let me know because i have a phobia of being bored.
-apparently when blink182 broke up it was because tom and the other two HATED eachother. they both have started two new bands and i can't wait for the albums to come out in a few months. a prerelease song by one of the bands has been playing on my brothers computer for literally over 24 hours.
-still gotta find a new job. i love working there and learning things that are actually going to help me but i need a lot more hours and money. i'm hoping to get a car, liscense, insurance and the whole bit soon because i can't do this anymore but i need a lot of money to make that happen.
-having trouble sleeping in general lately. sucks cause i like to sleep too.
-picked up megan today for the first time in awhile. i missed her.
-oh i almost forgot. my littler sister lost power for half the house because she plugged something into the wall socket that didn't have plastic on it. but while the electrition was here he fixed my switch to my room! anyone who has been here knows this is huge. the switch actually turns on the light without any crazy trick you have to do! crazy stuff.